An Atlantic investigation reveals who they are and what they might do on Election Day. President Trump when asked in the debate whether he would “condemn white supremacists and militia groups, said “stand back and stand by”.
Through “pro-labor” conservatives like Oren Cass, the populist right is offering an updated fantasy that Republicans are champions of the working class. They aren’t and never will be.
Many observers—including Republicans—worry that he is. They’re organizing now to stop him. Given the administration’s record of embracing “numerous corrupt and authoritarian practices,” huge numbers of Americans must be ready to take to the streets
The fourth volume in historian Rick Perlstein’s critical series on the rise of the modern GOP’s far right shows Reagan as key in uniting a rank coalition that still epitomizes and explains much of the Republican Party’s sway.
Trump’s election theme is that Americans won’t be safe in a Biden presidency. The opposite is true. Americans won’t be safe as long as a white supremacist president is leading a movement of bigots to incite a civil war
Election sabotage needs to be met with the largest protests yet. “A show of numbers in the streets — and actions in the streets — may be decisive factors in determining what the public perceives as a just and legitimate outcome.”
Should activists sit this election out? Not if you believe in activism. The right tactical call for activists is to elect the politicians they're most able to cajole, persuade, and pressure. That means viewing politicians in a different light...
Reader Comments: Defeat Trump, Defeat His Base, Elect Progressives; Kamala Harris and another VP candidate - Charlotta Bass; COVID; Danger - October Surprise with Iran or China; Matt Herron - R.I.P.; Republican Voters Against Trump; Announcements
We, the undersigned democratic socialists, want to make clear that the priority for the left in 2020 should be the electoral defeat of Donald Trump and the Trumpist Republican Party in November.
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