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To Win the Midterms and Beyond

Martin J. Bennett Democratic Left
If you want a timely and persuasive antidote to the conventional narrative predicting the inevitable loss of Democratic congressional majorities in November, read this book.

Rebuilding the Working-Class Base One Door at a Time

Interview With Matt Morrison by Jared Abbott Jacobin
Reinvigorating class-based politics in the US depends on more than inspiring candidates like Bernie Sanders: it requires durable working-class political organization. Here’s what one group learned about organizing working people around bread-and-butter issues.

Friday Nite Videos | July 1, 2022

AOC: Members Who Sought Pardons Should Be Expelled. SCOTUS Restricts the EPA, R. Kelly and Ghislaine Maxwell Get Prison Sentences. Dark Winds | TV Trailer. How Democrats Can Run And Win In Rural Areas. Salt of the Earth | Movie.

How Democrats Can Run and Win in Rural Areas

Progressive Chloe Maxmin unseated a top Republican in a rural district, then passed one of the first state Green New Deal bills. Here’s what Democrats can learn from her success.

No One Else Was Going To, So These Teamsters Saved Their Own Pensions

Alexandra Bradbury Labor Notes
For most troubled funds, the biggest underlying problem is simple: not enough current workers compared to the number of retirees. Chalk that up to employer schemes like deregulation and union-busting, along with unions’ failure to organize.

“A Shave and a Haircut”, A User’s Guide to Door Knocking

Nelson Perez-Olney The Stansbury Forum
I’ve seen how powerful talking to a voter face to face can be and how important it is to reach out to people in person. I worry that too many of us think a campaign can be won on advertising and the power of a sound political platform alone.
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