The entire caregiving sector needs to be separated from the commercial economy. Otherwise, we pay exorbitant costs for inadequate services and abuse workers and patients alike.
A deep dig into how the steel industry collapse affected hundreds of thousands of decently paid workers, contrasted with the surge of hospital and nursing home hiring that never matched former pay rates or union protections afforded steel workers.
Shefali Milczarek-Desai and Tara Sklar
The Conversation
Our research, drawing on interviews with nursing aides and emerging studies of other essential workers during COVID-19, shows how employee policies, particularly for low-paid aides, have sharply raised the risks...
“It is a shame – we have an important mission, regardless of COVID. Many SNF [skilled nursing facility] residents are and will continue to suffer and die without...repairs.”
Do we want to provide care for the most vulnerable members of our society, or do we want this to just be a business where real estate owners are making money, and we don’t really care...
From our vantage point at the beginning of this pandemic, it is not hard to see how it would have been different if we had had a Medicare for All system before the virus arrived.
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