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G.O.P. Senators Might Not Realize It, but Not One State Supports the A.H.C.A.

Christopher Warshaw and David Broockman New York Times
It’s no secret that the American Health Care Act is unpopular. In recent national polls, only about 29 percent of Americans support the bill. It is the most unpopular piece of major legislation Congress has considered in decades — even more unloved than TARP (“the bailout”), and much more unpopular than the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.

It’s Only My Health

Olivia Alperstein
I'm one of the millions who could lose access to health care if Republicans repeal the Affordable Care Act.

Friday Nite Videos -- March 3, 2016

Bernie Sanders' Response to Trump's Speech to Congress. Movie | Get Out. Jeff Sessions, Trump and Russia. Obamacare | John Oliver. Can We Bring Back Lost Species?
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