Over the past two weeks, Israel has launched an unprecedented and blanket attack on Palestinian human rights defenders beginning with the designation, on 19 October 2021, of six leading Palestinian human rights organisations as “terrorist” groups.
Palestinian human rights activists and civil society groups are not "terrorists." The effective criminalization of Palestinian institutions and the expansion of the settlements are two sides of the same coin.
Reader Comments: Swing Voters, Virginia, Progressive Caucus, The Squad; Films and Set Workers; Spartacus at 60; Langston Hughes; Palestine and Gaza; Student Vote was substantial; Multi-Cultural Children's Books; Help End Blockade of Cuba; more....
Reader Comments: GOP War on Women, starting in Texas, Going nationwide; Costs of Post 9/11; Afghan War fallout; Climate Crisis; Jobless Crisis; Nina Turner; Teenage Israeli Conscientious Objectors; Ed Asner; Domestic Workers are Workers; more....
Shahar Perets, who was sentenced to prison for refusing to join the Israeli army, talks about meeting Palestinians for the first time, her visits to the West Bank, and how Israeli society represses the occupation.
Reader Comments: Afghanistan & Vietnam; COVID-19 and children; Rich Trumka Remembered; Ben & Jerry's and anti-BDS laws; Berlin Wall; Stanley Aronowitz; You Can Help - Haiti Emergency Relief Fund; lots of announcements; more....
Reader Comments: Covid Upsurge; Hiroshima and Nagasaki Remembered; Trump Planning for Next Coup; Remembering Rich Trumka; Andrew Cuomo; Cuba; Ben & Jerry’s for Boycott in Occupied Palestinian Territory; Resources, Announcements; and more ...
Despite the presence of centrist, center-left, and one small Palestinian party, power in the new government lies with the far right. There will be no shift in the conditions of life for Palestinians.
They founded anti-occupation movements and fought for the soul of Israeli society, but ultimately decided to emigrate. The new exiles tell Haaretz how they were harassed and silenced, until they had almost no choice but to leave.
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