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It Is time For The One State Solution To Go Mainstream

Awad Abdelfattah and Jeff Halper The Electronic Intifada
A people cannot negotiate their fundamental human, national, political and civil rights. The only way out of a colonial situation is through a process of decolonization.

Tidbits - Dec. 10, 2020 - Reader Comments: Biden First 100 Days; COVID Stimulus; Unions and Green New Deal; Social Security; Wear a Mask; Antisemitism; Jeremy Corbyn Affair; Refusing to Serve in Israeli Army; Intifada 33rd anniversary; lots of resources;

Reader Comments: Biden First 100 Days; What Kind of COVID Stimulus; Unions and Green New Deal; Who Gets Social Security; Wear a Mask; Antisemitism; Jeremy Corbyn Affair; Refusing to Serve in Israeli Army; Intifada 33rd anniversary; lots of resources;

The Tragedy of Jeremy Corbyn

Joshua Leifer Jewish Currents
Criticism of Israeli policies and expressions of Palestine solidarity, while always to some degree controversial, had long been part of acceptable political discourse on the British left-of-center. That is no longer the case.

Israel’s War Industry Embraces Emirates With Open Arms

Tamara Nassar The Electronic Intifada
Gaza City neighborhood destruction The Weizmann Institute’s deep involvement in Israel’s arms industry, nuclear weapons program as well as chemical and biological weapons research is a perfect match for the Emirati university, which is closely tied to the government.

Israel’s Crimes Must Be Met With Arms Embargo

Maureen Clare Murphy The Electronic Intifada
Palestinian children sitting in the dark due to power outage The complicity of Western governments such as the US, UK and the European Union allows Israel’s “crimes against a captive civilian population” in Gaza to proceed with impunity.

Uphold Palestinian Struggle In All Its Forms

Khaled Barakat The Electronic Intifada
Paletinian demonstrators confronting Israeli police. Association with the Palestinian armed resistance and its political parties is not a cause for shame or a justification for repression. The legitimacy of armed struggle to liberate a people from colonial and foreign domination is legally recognized.
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