How many Black people have to be killed by police before politicians realize that expensive reforms don’t work? Like so many Black Americans, Wright justifiably feared police interactions. The Black fear of police is grounded in provable police bias.
Reader Comments: Daunte Wright Murder; Jim Crow Then and Now; Georgia voter suppression; Prince Philip, Cuba, New York Health Act, "Working-Class New York" Revisited conference, African American Women, Cold War, Ben Fletcher,Black Wobblies, more...
Reader Comments: Policing, George Floyd murder; Amazon workers; Refugees, Displacement Crisis; Puerto Rico; Nazi Germany; China; Elizabeth Davis - Presente!; Labor resources; Constructing a New Social Compact; lots of Zoom events;
Law professor and scion of a widely read radical activist/author family, Rosa Brooks went beyond the blue wall of silence in her inside view of American policing. Among the retrograde lessons stressed in training, “Anyone can kill you at any time.”
New study shows police homicides have significantly decreased in most cities where Black Lives Matter protests occurred. The #BLM movement can take some satisfaction in its possible impact on police homicides.
After painting a portrait of Taylor, whose killing by police helped galvanize national protests, the artist decided she wanted the work to live on in public.
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