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Tidbits - May 7, 2020 - Reader Comments: Trump's Armed Right Militias; Failed State; Ahmaud Arbery Murdered; Trump-GOP Fascism; COVID-19; Planet of the Humans, Bill McKibben, Michael Moore; Denis Goldberg; Frida Kahlo; Puerto Rico food crisis; more

Reader Comments: Trump's Armed Right Militias; Failed State; Ahmaud Arbery Murdered; Trump-GOP Fascism; COVID-19, Capitalism, Socialism; Planet of the Humans, Bill McKibben, Michael Moore; Denis Goldberg R.I.P.; Frida Kahlo; Puerto Rico food crisis

How Bloomberg Trashed Public Education in New York

Jake Jacobs The Progressive
I’m an art teacher. Mike’s policies gutted my school. During those years, I was lucky to have enough copy paper for my students to draw on. Bloomberg’s harmful education policies are today being papered over as his money cascades through the media.

State of Resistance – California Fights Back

Fred Glass The Stansbury Forum
unhoused man at bus stop At the same moment that Trump was riding his horse Xenophobe through a narrow passageway in the Electoral College to the presidency, California elected only Democrats..., extended progressive tax revenues and ...locked out anti-immigrant policy...

The Persistence of School Segregation

Alexandria Millet The Progressive
Sixty-five years after Brown v. Board of Education, school segregation remains a fact of life. As a nation we are moving to undo even the partial progress made since the 1950s.

Teachers' Role in the Puerto Rico Uprising

Jeff Bryant Independent Media Institute
Rosello funneled money to charter schools in Puerto Rico. The Asociación de Maestros de Puerto Rico and the AFT demanded that federal recovery money restore public education on the island instead

The Hidden History of the Arnautoff Mural

David Bacon The Stansbury Forum
panel of Arnautoff mural ...painting over the mural doesn’t redress the historical crime that the mural shows – if anything, it covers up the critique of it, a goal the McCarthyites and their committees were never able to achieve.


Is The Los Angeles Teacher Strike A Different Kind Of Strike?

Peter Greene Forbes
Teachers across the country face a systematic underfunding of public schools and a systematic devaluing of the teaching profession by leaders who say public education should be swept aside to make room for a system of private free-market education.
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