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Is it Still "Diversity" or "Inclusion" if No One's Broke on TV?

Shannon M. Houston Paste
Why are we championing diversity and inclusivity when it comes to race and gender, but not class? Class, which we all know by now is just as much a defining factor in a person’s life as race or gender (if not moreso).


To Remake the World: Slavery, Racial Capitalism, and Justice

Walter Johnson Boston Review
Not so much as a comprehensive weekly review of one unitary book, the following contribution is a synthetic culling of classics on white supremacy and racialism in the United States. We at Portside believe the essay is must reading, as are the books cited.


Luke Cage Is Truly a Hero for His Time

Charles Moss The Atlantic
The star of the new Netflix series was reimagined as a modern black champion. The show's creative team looked to current events to ground Cage in reality from a specifically African American perspective. They wanted the show to fulfill “comic-book geek sensibilities” while also digging into subjects such as police brutality, the gentrification of Harlem (where the show takes place), and even the privatization of prisons.


How Jesse Williams Stole BET Awards With Speech on Racism

Katie Rogers New York Times
The BET Awards Sunday featured tributes to Prince and Muhammad Ali, and a performance by Beyoncé and Kendrick Lamar. But this year, the actor Jesse Williams commanded the spotlight with an impassioned speech calling for an end to police killings, racial inequality and cultural appropriation.


Burying the White Working Class

Connor Kilpatrick Jacobin
Liberal condescension towards white workers is code for a broader anti-working class agenda.

Friday Nite Videos -- April 15, 2016

Berning Ted and Donald on 'NY Values.' Burning Issues: The Money Hidden In Shell Companies. Street Music | Hotel California. The Dirtiest Trade Deal And What's In It. "Because I’m Latino, I can’t have money?" Kids on Race.
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