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The Fed Should Pause Interest Rate Rises as US Inflation Slows

Joseph Stiglitz and Dean Baker The Guardian
It would be irresponsible to create much higher unemployment – and the US economy could be pushed into recession. There is a strong argument for the Fed to take a break from its aggressive monetary-policy tightening.

What the Bronx ‘Bible Belt’ Election Results Tell Us

Ginia Bellafante New York Times
Will older, socially conservative voters care so much about culture-war issues in the midst of a pandemic? This Bronx election suggests political patterns might evolve more broadly among older voters in places like Florida and the Sun Belt.


How Capitalist Economics Structures Inequality

Gregory Heires Portside
The world economy, to the degree it still works at all, serves to benefit the few at the expense of the many. The author of the book under review does an economic deep dive into ways that can reverse that antidemocratic equation.
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