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Internationalism: Urgent for the Moment and the Long Haul

Max Elbaum Organizing Upgrade
The more U.S. movements are infused with internationalism, the more we contribute to getting Washington’s bloody hands out of other countries. That bolsters the capacity of people in other lands to improve their lives and fight our common enemy.

Tipping The Nuclear Dominoes

Conn Hallinan Foreign Policy in Focus
Why is Trump unraveling treaties on nuclear arms? It's not just greed -- some people want to use them. The test ban did - and does - slow the development of nuclear weapons and limits their proliferation to other countries.


The Half-True Story of Catherine the Great

Eileen Jones Jacobin
The Great shares a broadly similar style and subject with The Favorite, though it is neither as dark nor as committed to factual accuracy. The series shows the grotesque royal court life of Empress Catherine II of Russia, aka Catherine the Great.
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