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Why Southern Democrats Saved Biden

Mara Gay New York Times
For those who live in the shadow of segregation and racial terror, the election is not about policy or personality. It’s about something much darker.

The Neighborhoods We Will Not Share

Richard Rothstein The New York Times
Persistent housing segregation lies at the root of many of our society’s problems. Trump wants to make it worse. This was not a peculiar Southern obsession, but consistent nationwide. In many hundreds of instances nationwide, mob violence....

White Supremacy Tried to Kill Jazz. The Music Triumphed.

Anton Woronczuk interview with Gerald Horne Truthout
In this interview, Horne describes the role of racism in the development of jazz, the gulf between its domestic and international reception; and why creativity, improvisation and technical mastery were a means of survival for its performers.


Los Angeles: City of Segregation

Adam Tomes Counterfire
The book under review documents a century of struggle against the partitioning of groups on the basis of race through property markets, constructions of community, and the scourge of neoliberalism, revealing racialist ideology and means to end it.

Segregated by Design

Mark Lopez, Richard Rothstein, YouTooCanWoo Segregated by Design
Examine the forgotten history of how our federal, state and local governments unconstitutionally segregated every major metropolitan area in America through law and policy.
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