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Tidbits – May 16 – Reader Comments: Trump Trial, Arms to Netanyahu, Campus Protests – Impact on Gaza War, Colleges, Society, Elections; Palestine, Gaza, Israel; Haiti; Kenya; Sing in Solidarity; Song Nights for Social Change; Cartoons; More …

Reader Comments: Trump Trial, Arms to Netanyahu, Campus Protests - Impact on Gaza War, Colleges, Society, Elections; Palestine, Gaza, Israel; Haiti; Kenya; Sing in Solidarity; Song Nights For Social Change; Cartoons; more ....


Radicals Go Caroling: The Untold Story of Progressive Choirs

Annie Levin Yes! Magazine
The power of song to literally transform the brain and move people to action has given it a place of privilege in mass political actions. Almost every revolutionary movement in modern history has had an accompanying singing culture.

The Climate Movement Is Singing for Our Lives

Linnea M. Palmer Paton Waging Nonviolence
Saturday's Draw the Line held over 200 demonstrations across the United States - it was a day of action marked by song - a phenomenon that is starting to become a major feature of the climate movement.

Tidbits - August 1, 2013

Reader Comments - Songs of Immigration; Fruitvale Station; Blow the Whistle, Face Life in Jail; Bradley Manning; On Vultures and Red Wings: Billionaire Gets New Sports Arena in Bankrupt Detroit; U.S. Prison Population; North Carolina Worst Voter Suppression Law; Shorts - You Helped Cut the Pentagon Budget; Justice Department's Bold Voting Rights Move; Conference - The Global E. P. Thompson: Reflections on Making of the English Working Class after Fifty Years Oct. 3-5

Tidbits - July 11, 2013

Reader Comments: Citizens United; Zimmerman Trial; Egypt; Plane Wreck at Los Gatos("Deportee"); Elizabeth Warren; Capitalism & Austerity; Voting Rights Act; American Left; Progressive Patriotism & July 4th Songs; Fracking and Greens; Announcements - Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions - New York - Jul 24 - Jewish Voice for Peace; Left Labor Project - New York - Aug 1; Call for articles on building international labor solidarity - Working USA; Paid Internship Opportunity

Celebrating Progressive Patriotism; Top Ten July 4th Songs

Peter Drier, Richard Flacks and Peter Rothberg
To some, patriotism means "my country -- right or wrong." To others, it means loyalty to a set of principles, and thus requires dissent and criticism when those in power violate those standards. Not enough Americans are aware that much of what we consider our patriotic culture, especially our iconic music, was created by artists and writers of decidedly left-wing sympathies.
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