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Friday Nite Videos | October 26, 2018

Conservative Pundit Barbies | I Love You, America on Hulu. Canned Heat | Election Blues. Florida's Senate Race Has Some Mic Drops. The Advocates | Documentary. Donald Trump's New Ad for Ted Cruz.

Donald Trump's New Ad for Ted Cruz

Senator Ted Cruz is in a surprisingly tight race in Texas - a race that is so tight, he asked for a boost from former arch-enemy Donald Trump.

Friday Nite Videos | October 12, 2018

Democalypse 2018 - Democrats Look for History-Making Victory in Georgia. I Shot the Sheriff | Playing For Change. Brazilian Elections. Is Ted Cruz "Tough As Texas"? Why Climate Change Is Making Hurricanes Worse.

Why Progressives Need a National Electoral Strategy - and Fast

Bill Fletcher, Jr. AlterNet
In the current cycle are two related but distinct problems. First, progressives have no national electoral strategy to speak of. Second, elections cannot be viewed simply or even mainly within the context of the pros and cons of specific candidates. Progressives are very divided about the relative importance of electoral politics, and our near exclusive focus on the candidates, that there is no coherent national progressive electoral strategy.

Berning Ted and Donald on 'NY Values'

Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders brings the hammer down on Ted Cruz in response to the GOP candidate's negative remarks about "New York values."

Samantha Bee | Team Cruz

Who are some of Ted Cruz's biggest fans? Prepare to be horrified, but not surprised in the slightest.

Updating Our Strategy: Revisiting the U.S. `Six Party System' Hypothesis

Carl Davidson Keep on Keepin' On
A strategic look at the U.S. political landscape shows how Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders would be able to pull together a majority electoral coalition. It also reveals why either might still be thwarted in pulling together an effective governing coalition in 2017, (assuming they are able to defeat Trump or Cruz). The far right has grown in strength and virulence, while the `regular' conservative right has grown in intransigence.
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