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Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire Commemoration: March 25, 1911…

In 2023, a permanent memorial at the site of the fire was unveiled in memory of the workers. The memorial tells the stories of the victims and is a landmark site to visit, mourn, and learn at the very site where factory workers labored and perished.


The SAG-AFTRA Actors’ Strike Shows L.A. Is Leading the Labor Movement

Nelson Lichtenstein Los Angeles Times
L.A. was the city where the ethnicity and ideology of union leadership came to reflect the heterogeneous character of its working class and remake the movement. This took root in the 1990s when Miguel Contreras transformed the Federation of Labor.


Building Worker Power

Daniel Judt The Forge
Worker Power is a new political organization with deep roots in the work of UNITE HERE Local 11, the hospitality workers local in Southern California & Arizona. They are bringing union organizing tactics to door-knocking and political power building.

Can the Hotel Workers’ Union Save the Democrats?

Harold Meyerson The American Prospect
In Nevada, Arizona, and Pennsylvania, the union has been talking to voters about progressive fixes to inflation for months, when Democrats didn’t know what to say.

Dodger Stadium Concession Workers Threaten an All-Star Strike

Peter Dreier and Kelly Candaele Capital & Main
When it comes to wages, baseball’s billionaires give stadium workers peanuts. Yet since 2011, the teams’ average value has tripled — from $523 million ($680 million in today’s dollars) to $2.1 billion.
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