Here be Socialists; NYPD apologizes for Stonewall raid; Straight Pride; Fairstein's penance; GOP red (state) handed; Trouble in conservative paradise; The real Appalachia
Reader Comments: Barr Lied; Trade Wars; Reality of Economic Numbers; Don't Fall for 'Electability' Trap; Redistricting; Iran; Venezuela; Jakarta Sinking; Top 100 People Killing the Planet; Pete Seeger Remembered; May 8 was V-E Day; Announcements...
Contrary to the myth that socialists have always ignored gender oppression, women’s suffrage was first won by socialist feminists — and working-class revolt.
Voters in Florida approved an amendment to the state constitution that would restore voting rights to as many as 1.5 million former felons. Registration began on Tuesday.
As results from the recent midterm elections show and the book under review chronicles, restrictive voter identification laws, registration requirements, felon disenfranchisement and voter purges still deny millions access to the ballot box.
Florida's referendum approving the grant of voting rights to 1.4 million returning citizens is the single largest expansion of the franchise since passage of the Voting Rights Act in 1965.
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