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Reporters Face New Threats From the Governments They Cover

James Risen The New York Times
The cases against Julian Assange and Glenn Greenwald may be models for a crackdown. The Trump administration and the right-wing Brazilian government of President Jair Bolsonaro seem to have decided to experiment with such draconian anti-press tactics

The Trials of Julian Assange

Michael Steven Smith The Indypendent
A new book offers a sweeping defense of the controversial Wikileaks publisher.

Media Bits and Bytes - April 16, 2019

Net Neutrality victory; Assange bust and free speech; Front page smear; Means TV; RIP Johnson Publishing; Must-have app; GPS surveillance of school kids

Friday Nite Videos | Sept 21, 2018

Felony Disenfranchisement | John Oliver. The Black Eyed Peas | Big Love. Laura Poitras Movie | Risk. Vote 'Em Out. Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 11/9".
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