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France’s Class Wars

Serge Halimi & Pierre Rimbert Le Monde diplomatique
The working class was supposed to have been edged out of active politics, but instead France’s elites have been frightened into making concessions by this winter’s uprising of the yellow vests.

America Has Its Gunsights on Venezuela

Vijay Prashad Independent Media Institute
Venezuela President MaAduro speaking
“I tell the people,” Maduro said, “this presidential sash is yours. The power of this sash is yours. It does not belong to the oligarchy or to imperialism. It belongs to the sovereign people of Venezuela.”

The US Is Orchestrating a Coup in Venezuela

Marjorie Cohn Truthout
war criminals Bolton and Pompeo
As Venezuela’s second president, Simon Bolivar, noted in the 19th century, the US government continues to “plague Latin America with misery in the name of liberty.”