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Jobs, Justice, and the Clean-Energy Future

Jeremy Brecher Dollars and Sense
The Clean Energy Future will provide many new jobs for each that is lost. There will, however, be fewer jobs in coal, oil, and gas extraction and burning and in nuclear energy. For example, there will be about 100,000 fewer jobs each year in mining and extraction compared to the business-as-usual scenario. The report calls for a "just transition" for the workers who hold those jobs, including "assistance in training and placement in new jobs, or retirement with dignity."

Why We Are Protesting in Charlotte

William Barber II New York Times
Charlotte’s protests are not black people versus white people. They are not black people versus the police. The protesters are black, white and brown people, crying out against police brutality and systemic violence.

The Left Underestimates the Danger of Trump

Arun Gupta The Anarres Project
This election is a choice between two movements. Movements like Black Lives Matter, Climate Justice, low-wage workers, and immigrant rights. Or Neo-Nazis, the Klan, and the Alt-Right backed by a Trump administration.

Friday Nite Videos -- September 23, 2016

Reverend Barber: We Need To See The Video. Jordan Klepper Finds Conspiracy Theories Thrive at a Trump Rally. Senator Elizabeth Warren Questions Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf. The Trump Taj Mahal Is Closing: Did It Make Atlantic City Great? Movie: Command and Control.

Tidbits - September 22, 2016 - Reader Comments: Dakota Access, Native Americans, AFL-CIO; Prison Strike and Unpaid Labor; Many Rivers to Cross Festival; Attica Prison Uprising; and more.....

Reader Comments: AFL-CIO Constituency Groups Stand with Native Americans to Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline; Largest Prison Strike in History Draws Attention to Unpaid Labor; Sanders Says: Elect Clinton-Then Mobilize; Invisible Workforce: Death, Discrimination and Despair in Temp Industry; Announcements: Dollars&Sense - Annual Labor Issue; Studs Terkel; Many Rivers to Cross: Art & Social Justice Festival; Blood in the Water: Attica Prison Uprising of 1971 and Its Legacy

Bigots Beware: White Athletes Are Becoming Sympathetic to Anthem Protests

Dave Zirin The Nation
The opposition to Colin Kaepernick's protest - from the police unions to Beltway pundits to an online army of bigots-wants to ensure that this protest against police violence stays as segregated as possible. If high-profile white NFL or Major League Baseball players start to kneel in solidarity with the idea that Black Lives Matter, then the law-and-order crowd loses racism as the most effective tool in their kit to keep this movement quarantined.