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Responsible Gun Ownership Is a Lie

David Frum The Atlantic
One way to reduce gun violence is by convincing ordinary, “responsible” handgun owners that their weapons make them, their families, and those around them less safe.

How We Told the Ongoing Story of Title IX

Laura Mogulescu History News Network
Fifty years out, we can look back and say with certainty that the U.S. landscape on gender equity would look very different today without Title IX. And the legislation continues to play an important role in shaping the future.

Reflections on the Sri Lankan Economic Crisis

Prabhat Patnaik Global South Colloquy
There are two lessons one can learn from the Sri Lankan experience. The first is that a welfare state is totally incompatible with a neo-liberal regime. The second is that every country is vulnerable to a “contingency crisis” under neo-liberalism.