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Biden Aims To Destroy a Historic Climate Change Lawsuit

Julia Rock Jacobin
Juliana v. United States is a historic climate change lawsuit seeking to establish a constitutional right to a livable planet. But the Biden administration has indicated it will fight tooth and nail to prevent the lawsuit from ever getting a trial.

Friday Nite Videos | May 27, 2022

A Simple Solution: Reduce the Number of Guns. Oye Como Va ft. Carlos Santana & Cindy Blackman Santana. Jacinda Ardern at Harvard: Gun Control and Democracy. How Your Phone Knows If You’re Getting an Abortion. The Hidden History of “Hand Talk.”

Flight Attendants Fighting Back

Jennifer Gonnerman The New Yorker
Sara Nelson, the head of the flight attendants’ union, leads her members through turbulent times and mounts a major organizing drive at Delta.