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Ukraine: Beyond the Postsoviet

Ileana Nachescu Boston Review
The war is shaped by global neoliberalism, sexism, and racism—not just Cold War dynamics. Only by understanding Eastern Europe beyond the old dichotomies of the free West versus the authoritarian East can we begin to grasp the war’s significance.

The Ukraine War

Bruce Hartford Civil Rights Movement Archive
Putin's invasion of Ukraine is not an isolated event. It's part of a broader attack against democracy that echoes events of the twentieth century.

Free Brittney Griner

Dave Zirin The Nation
Russia’s jailing of the basketball star is an injustice that requires an international response.

International Women’s Day Belongs to Us

Liza Featherstone Jacobin
Capitalists keep trying to co-opt International Women’s Day, a century-old product of the working-class revolutionary movement. But the day belongs to the socialist antiwar tradition.

How Starbucks Workers Won in Mesa

Saurav Sarkar Labor Notes
The Mesa store at Powerline and Baseline Roads became the first U.S. company-run store outside Buffalo to be unionized in the recent organizing wave.