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Trump's Pandemic Failure Means A Second Great Depression Is Looming

Annie Lowrey The Atlantic
Young unmasked and undistanced supporters listen to President Trump in Phoenix, AZ.
Ending the pandemic was the only thing the government could have done to save the economy, Trump’s botched response means without a second massive federal intervention millions of US families who are just keeping their head above water will sink.

Queer Liberation is Black Liberation, Justice for Black Lives Is Justice for All

Mako Fitts Ward & Marlon M. Bailey Praxis Center: Education for Liberation
The exclusion of Black LGBT people in mainstream pride events have spawned alternative Black pride events. These alternative actions are reminders that queer liberation is Black liberation, and justice for Black lives translates into justice for all.

Make It Last; Make It Grow!

Michael Albert ZNet
We need to come away from the current upheavals with organization, with vision and goals, with program and campaigns that all persist and mature and strengthen rather than folding back into business as usual.

Make It Last; Make It Grow!

Michael Albert ZNet
We need to come away from the current upheavals with organization, with vision and goals, with program and campaigns that all persist and mature and strengthen rather than folding back into business as usual.

All of Us Began with Marta Harnecker

Miguel Enrique Stédile The Bullet
Marta draws up a balance sheet of the experiences of progressive governments in power at that time in South America, without sectarianism or triumphalism, and attentive to advances and contradictions.