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Ciudad Juárez 300 Mujeres Muertas 500 Mujeres Desaparecidas

Center for Study of Political Graphics Center for Study of Political Graphics
femicide poster
As femicide continues to plague the world, we must continue to fight the systems that are complicit in their acceptance of it and for the families demanding justice for their loved ones.

Why I am a Socialist

Rob Delaney Medium
Nobody “earned” a billion dollars. Nobody earned even a million dollars. And nobody deserves to have their life destroyed due to the financial implications of a child’s illness, or any illness.

The Epidemic is Both a Challenge and an Opportunity

Tommaso Di Francesco Il Manifesto Global
The coronavirus epidemic sends out the message that in the current very serious health crisis, representative government is absolutely necessary. It is necessary as a power of democratic control, for the protection of the common good.

The Stain Mardi Gras Covers Up: Worker Vulnerability in New Orleans

Sarah Fouts and Deniz Daser NACLA
The collapsed Hard Rock Hotel in New Orleans.
New Orleans residents and tourists took to the streets to celebrate Mardi Gras and the cultural heritage that ensures a steady stream of tourism dollars. Forgotten were the criminal negligence of the powerful and the sacrifices of low-wage workers.