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“It’s Time to Engage in as Much Class Struggle as We Can”

Interview with Mark Meinster by Meagan Day Jacobin
The United Electrical workers’ union and the Democratic Socialists of America are teaming up to help nonunion workers organize during the coronavirus crisis. The goal: find workers who are already spoiling for a fight and help them win it.

No Evil Foods is Evil to Workers

Joe Atkins Labor South
No Evil Foods in Asheville, North Carolina, may make good El Zapatista but Emiliano would be very unhappy with the way it treats its workers

Organize a Worker Fightback in the Face of the COVID-19

Carl Rosen, Andrew Dinkelaker and Gene Elk Working In These Times
Now is the time for all labor organizations committed to forging a better society for working people to step up and help launch workers into the kinds of fights needed to win that future.