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A War Widow

Mira Hirschl How Memories Insist
As war returns to eastern Europe, the Croatian-born poet Mirna Hirschl depicts a personal sorrow.

Black Woman Selling Her Home in America

Patricia Jabbeh Wesley Poetry Magazine
In America, land of constant real estate deals, a Black woman appraises some hidden costs in the buying and selling of houses.

Severance: A Novel

Chris Brooks Facebook
The story is full of very relatable pandemic moments: workers questioning whether it’s safe to go to work or whether they should stay home, streets suddenly emptied, N-95 masks. What makes this all so remarkable is that it was published in 2018...

Beyond a Biography: Seeing C.L.R. James Afresh

Paul Buhle New Frame
John L Williams’ new book on the pan-African thinker is a marvel that offers a close, meticulous description of his life and thinking, untangling his transformations and inviting reacquaintance.