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The Norwegian National Election: Europe’s Most Leftist Government Defeated by Right-Wing Coalition

By Asbjørn Wahl and Roy Pedersen Transform!
The red-green coalition government in Norway, whose political platform when it took power in 2005 was called the most progressive in Europe, experienced a bitter defeat in the country's parliamentary election on 9 September. A coalition of four centre-right and right-wing parties, including a right-wing populist party, gained a solid majority and are now negotiating the political platform for a new government.

Labor History Songs CD Full of Old Favorites

Paul Buhle LAWCHA (Labor and Working-Class History Association)
The Union Makes Us Strong takes us back, and that's not at all a bad thing. There's a purity of sound here that is moving, along with a professionalism and delivers the goods. "The Union Makes Us Strong by Peter K. Siegel and Eli Smith is a wonderful collection of old favorites, enlivened by some fancy banjo, fiddle and mandolin work and by the sweet harmony of the two singers, " writes labor historian Paul Buhle.


Clay Bennett Chattanooga Times Free Press

Attacking Net Neutrality Once Again

Alfredo Lopez This Can't Be Happening!
While the "net neutrality" debate may seem like a jargon-filled conversation between technologists and free speech advocates, it's really about you and your ability to read what others are writing and write so that others may read it.