Over the past two years, Texas teachers have lost jobs or been pressured to resign after making challenged books available to students. The teacher who created this bookshelf could become a target for far right-wing groups.
Reader Comments: Bank Failures, GOP DeRegulation; Pentagon Budget; MAGA in Office Bans Books, Not Guns; Workers and Their Unions; AI, False Promise of ChatGPT; Triangle Shirtwaist Anniversary; Ending the Vietnam War; Rosenberg Case 70 Years Later;
Reader Comments: Hearings and Republican Witnesses Show that Trump Planned Armed Coup; Supreme Court Rules Based on Lies, and Religion; Librarians and Books Under Attack; Starbucks Union Grows; Socialism 2022 Conference Labor Day weekend; more ....
Elizabeth A. Harris and Alexandra Alter
New York Times
Caustic fights over which books belong on the shelves have put librarians at the center of a bitter and widening culture war. Some of the conflicts have gotten so heated that community members have tried to seek criminal charges against librarians.
The latest rightwing attack on public schools has been raging for more than a year with angry, screaming parent groups disrupting school board meetings threatening jobs and lives of educators. Those weren’t actually spontaneous grassroots protests.
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