Israel lobby groups are once again attempting to manipulate public education in California in order to censor Palestinian and Arab scholarship, under the guise of fighting anti-Semitism.
In 1970 Chicanos protested how US casualties in Vietnam disproportionately consisted of young men from their communities in the Southwest. Now, they protest the killings of Latina and Latino soldiers.
It's exacerbating hot, dry conditions allowing wildfires to spread farther and faster. Demographic and forest management factors alone are insufficient to explain the magnitude of the observed increase in wildfire extent over the past half-century.
The heat from one fire in California has been so strong that it generated its own thunderstorm cloud. There were at least 24 large wildfires in California, 14 in Oregon, and another 12 in Washington. Yes some still deny climate change.
“We’ve got to be able to pass Schools and Communities First, as one measure, and then come back with another measure, and another, so that we make the rich pay their fair share.”
Charlotta Bass was the first Black woman to run for Vice President of the United States, on the Progressive Party ticket in 1952. Her speech is particularly relevant as Kamala Harris builds on her legacy today.
The Proposition 15 ballot measure aims to hike commercial tax rates and potentially raise billions to support funding for schools and other public infrastructure.
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