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General Strike in France Challenges Macron

Adam Nossiter New York Times
Thursday’s protests completed the circle of anger against Mr. Macron begun last year by the Yellow Vests. This time, it was the unionized employed — teachers, hospital workers, some civil servants — who came out.

French General Strike; One Year of the Yellow Vests in France

Cole Stangler; Richard Greeman The Guardian
French workers cherish their welfare state. That’s why they’re striking. Macron’s proposed retirement reforms are latest attempt to erode the safety net. The people are fighting back. First anniversary of Yellow Vest uprising marks an historic moment


Net Rupture

Scott McLemee Inside Higher Ed
Charting worldwide disaffection with liberal democracy, the book is a deep dive into Trumpism, Macronism, Brexit and question marks over the European Union, as well as mass movements weary of voting corrupt politicos in and out of office.

Emmanuel Macron and Echoes of May 1968

Elizabeth Benjamin The Conversation
The French president has proposed a controversial higher education reform at a particularly inopportune moment, sparking major protests.

France Goes Off the Rails

Benoît Duteurtre. Translated by Charles Goulden. The Nation
The government’s proposed railway reforms will force yet more traffic onto the country’s overcrowded roads, even as people in the provinces and regions lose mobility, convenience, and time.
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