Coziness with Donald Trump is exacerbating a long-term crisis facing white evangelicalism, some Christians say - it is being abandoned by younger generations
Mimi Kirk
Middle East Research and Information Project (MERIP)
“Christian Zionism is an extremist ideology, but it’s also incredibly broadly held and is part of a larger Christian package of belief. Most people who hold it don’t realize they’re holding really hateful beliefs..."
Liberation theology is still alive in Brazil, but it has lost a lot of ground. We must learn from past mistakes and create socialist popular democratic spaces from the base that challenge the brutal inequality of the capitalist pyramid.
A Haaretz investigation reveals that Christian groups have invested up to $65 million in projects in the ‘Biblical Heartland’ over the past decade. That doesn’t include services they provide free of charge, like volunteer laborers
Why is the US Christian nationalist right looking to Russia? The thought shatters old notions as odd indeed. It's supposed to be the left that's cozy with Russia. Since 1990 it's a new world. Newsweek gives a peek into it...
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