Community education cannot be considered an “add-on” — we must center it as an integral part of our ongoing organizing. We need to understand the need for political education-- taking lessons from work on Israel/Palestine and anti-Islamophobia.
Loot the labor and very being of people of African descent. When they rise in response, resist, and give as little as possible. Then wait for things to “calm down” and take back as much as possible.
Iowa and New Hampshire were big wins for Bernie, but in neither state did his vote total reach 30%. Bernie will have to substantially expand his base if he is going to capture the nomination, not to mention succeed in beating Trump in November.
“We found that a few hundred natives living off their land and fighting for it could tie down thousands of American troops... and provoke a segment of our population to take the view that what happens in the Far East is none of our business.”
The Left in the EU + American Lessons From Labour's Defeat + Fury in India, Algeria and Colombia + Mass Strike in France + Building Democracy in Kurdish Syria
Many groups decried Trump’s remarks about Jewish disloyalty but ignored the abusive, anti-Palestinian policies underlying his comments. The clearly anti-Palestinian significance of his remarks were lost or side-lined in many of these discussions.
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