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Tidbits - Dec. 10, 2020 - Reader Comments: Biden First 100 Days; COVID Stimulus; Unions and Green New Deal; Social Security; Wear a Mask; Antisemitism; Jeremy Corbyn Affair; Refusing to Serve in Israeli Army; Intifada 33rd anniversary; lots of resources;

Reader Comments: Biden First 100 Days; What Kind of COVID Stimulus; Unions and Green New Deal; Who Gets Social Security; Wear a Mask; Antisemitism; Jeremy Corbyn Affair; Refusing to Serve in Israeli Army; Intifada 33rd anniversary; lots of resources;

Tidbits - Nov. 26, 2020 - Reader Comments: Biden Administration; Georgia Runoffs; Election Analysis; COVID Vaccine; Immigrant Teen Nightshift Workers; Call to Jewish Organizations; Rethinking “Thanksgiving” Toolkit; Resources, Announcements; more...

Reader Comments: Biden Administration; Georgia Runoffs; Election Analysis; COVID; Vaccine; Immigrant Teen Nightshift Workers; A Call to Jewish Organizations; Rethinking “Thanksgiving” Toolkit; Lots of Resources and Announcements; more....

Tidbits - Sept. 10, 2020 - Reader Comments: Trump Calls Out White Supremacists; Trump and Military Veterans; Billionaires Plunder Working Folks; Allende Remembered - the Other 9/11; Congress Must Act - COVID Jobs Losses Continues; Lots of Announcements;

Reader Comments: Trump Calls Out White Supremacists; Trump and Military Veterans; Billionaires Plunder Working Folks; Allende Remembered - the Other 9/11; Why Congress Must Act - COVID Jobs Losses Continues; Lots of Announcements; and more...

Civic Religion and the Secular Jew

Joshua Leifer Jewish Currents
Sanders’s secular Jewishness is among the most common forms of Jewish identity in the US, yet it is a religious identity that has never before appeared so prominently on the national political stage.

Too Close for Comfort - Older Jews Skeptical of Sanders

Joshua Leifer Jewish Currents
What draws younger voters, and particularly younger Jews, to Sanders’s candidacy is precisely what repels older voters — even, or perhaps especially, older Jewish left-wingers. What for young Jews are sources of identification and pride...

Tidbits - Nov. 7, 2019 - Reader Comments: Impeachment Cover-up; Trump Changing Judiciary; McConnell Countdown; Warren's Medicare for All Plan; California Fires; Army Recruitment Answer to Student Debt; Middle East - Trump Policy Collapse; and more

Reader Comments: Impeachment and Cover-up; Trump Changing Judiciary; McConnell Countdown; Warren's Medicare for All Plan; California Fires; Army Recruitment Targets Student Debt; Middle East - Trump Policy Collapse; Resources; Announcements; and more
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