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Mark Zuckerberg and I

Brendan Walsh Rattle
“I’ve become obsessed,” writes the poet Branden Walsh, “with trying to understand the compulsions and sickness of a society that believes billionaires are a healthy/natural component of civilization.” He tries here to humanize just one.

Friday Nite Videos | November 1, 2019

Nancy Pelosi With Stephen Colbert. Jack White Live at Bernie Sanders' Detroit Rally. Rep. Katie Porter Grills Mark Zuckerberg. The Man Who Corrected Einstein. Andy Borowitz: The Life-Changing Magic of Impeaching Trump.

Rep. Katie Porter Grills Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook says it's protecting your data, but Rep. Katie Porter sees their arguments in court as an attempt to exclude the tech giant from any accountability if user data is shared without the user's consent, breached, hacked, or stolen

Tidbits - Oct. 24, 2019 - Reader Comments: Impeachment; AOC, Bernie; Young Voters, Democratic Socialism; Nuclear Weapons; Kurds; Peter Handke; Zuckerberg; Girls' Soccer; Lynchings map; Future of Warehouse Jobs; World Social Forum; more ...

Reader Comments: Impeachment; AOC, Bernie; Young Voters Choosing Democratic Socialism; Nuclear Weapons; Kurds; Zuckerberg defense; Girls' Soccer Team Penalized; American Lynchings map; Future of Warehouse Jobs; World Social Forum; announcements ...

New Scandal Shows Zuckerberg Still Puts Kremlin Over U.S.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg breaks his silence and admits a “breach of trust” after a hidden video scandal reveals political dirty tricks. Roger McNamee, a former mentor to Zuckerberg and an early investor in Facebook calls the response “totally inadequate”.
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