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Tidbits – Sept. 15, 2022 – Reader Comments: Women’s Vote Key in November Elections; Aretha Franklin; Angela Davis; Clean Environment; Chile, Ukraine War; Legacy of Violence: History of British Empire; Barbara Dane Book Launch; Cartoons; More…

Reader Comments: Women's Vote Key in November Elections; Aretha Franklin; Angela Davis; Getting a Clean and Safe Environment; Chile, Ukraine War; Legacy of Violence: History of the British Empire; Barbara Dane Book Launch; Cartoons; more....

Ukraine’s Tale of Two Colonizations

Slavoj Žižek Project Syndicate
It would be tragic if Ukraine defeated Russian neo-imperialism only to yoke itself to Western neoliberalism. While being a Western economic colony is certainly better than being absorbed into a new Russian empire, neither outcome is worthy of the suffering Ukrainians are now enduring.

Energy, Cost of Living and Recession

Michael Roberts Michael Robert's Blog
To avoid the energy catastrophe and reverse the huge loss in living standards already under way, we need to take over the fossil fuel companies and phase out their production with increased investment in renewables, to reduce fuel prices for households and small businesses.

Russia-Ukraine: Five Lessons From the 19th-Century Crimean War

Ted Widmer The Guardian
Vladimir Putin likes to talk about the second world war, Russia’s best war, but the closest parallel is probably the Crimean war, which dragged on for two and a half years, from 1853 to 1856, before the exhausted belligerents worked out a peace agreement.

Washington Wants a New Cold War…That’s a Bad Idea

Katrina Vanden Heuvel Counterpunch
Cold War is America’s comfort zone. We won the last one. We wear the white hats. It’s democracy against authoritarianism. And we’ve got the biggest and best military. Who could object?

Tidbits – Aug. 11, 2022 – Reader Comments: Kansas Vote, 2022 Elections; Missing From Reconciliation Bill; Ukraine and Peace Movement; David Moberg; Nlrb Orders Umwa To Pay; Visionary Art of Ralph Fasanella; Cartoons, Resources, Announcements

Reader Comments: Kansas Vote, 2022 Elections; Missing From the Reconciliation Bill; Ukraine and the Peace Movement; David Moberg Remembered; NLRB Orders UMWA To Pay; Visionary Art of Ralph Fasanella; Cartoons, Resources, Announcements; more ....
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