Coronoavirus reveals the divide between the socialist principal of using health care to meet human needs and the capitalist practice of treating health care as a commodity.
Reader Comments: May Day Actions, Celebrations; Toll on Healthcare and All Essential Workers; Trump and Meat Plants; Back-to-Work and Death; Cuomo Power Grab; Cuban Healthcare Workers; Unequal Burden of Covid-19; Earth Day @50; lots of announcements
Moments of crisis provide opportunity to chart a new course, with the pandemic upending the global economy, this is the best time for the left in at least 90 years for political and ideological is socialism or barbarism - so we must try
A look back on the key revolutionary more frequently worshiped on the left than read, Ali's Lenin biography includes his last years' observation that "we knew nothing," insisting that the revolution had to be renewed lest it wither and die.
Julio César Guanche Zaldívar and Sara Kozameh
The United States must abandon Cold War-era foreign policies and accept that Cuba is a sovereign nation free to define its political future— even if that means continuing socialism.
Vietnam has had only 141 cases of COVID-19 as of March 23, and so far, no deaths. Despite its proximity to China, and fewer resources than countries like Singapore, the country seems to have kept the virus under control.
The social breakdown, symbolized by Trump's election and the malign effects of austerity policies serve to destroy faith in neoliberal capitalism. When that faith started to fray, new forms of outsider populist politics emerged left and right.
The Cold War ended 30 years ago, but its cultural structures and divisions endure – perhaps, even, in the responses of some Americans to Bernie Sanders’ socialism.
As Bernie Sanders has emerged as the frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination, his insistence that he is a democratic socialist is a dealbreaker for many voters and pundits. What does socialism mean in the context of modern America...
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