The polio vaccine highlights the networks of women—some scientists, some not, some named, and some not—who made the laborious, costly, and difficult work of vaccine development possible.
Reader Comments: Could Trump Win-Is He Planning a Coup?; Women Given Hysterectomies Without Consent by ICE; There Cannot be Peace without Freedom-Thoughts on the "Peace Deal"; Scourge of Racism; Use Art to Raise Antiracist Kids; Lots of Announcements
The upward redistribution of income has cost Americans workers $50 trillion over the past several decades. On average, extreme inequality is costing the median income full-time worker about $42,000 a year.
After sexist attack by GOP colleague, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said on House floor, her parents 'Did Not Raise Me to Accept Abuse From Men'. "It is cultural. It is a culture of...impunity, of accepting violence and violent language against women."
I would vote for Joe Biden even if I believed Reade's account. Fortunately, I don't have to sacrifice morality to political necessity. Four more years of Trump will replace what remains of our democracy with unchecked rule by fascists and fanatics..
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