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Mandela in Cuba

Raymond Suttner New Frame
Nelson Mandela visited the island nation in 1991. His interactions with Fidel Castro would inform some of his negotiations with the National Party to end apartheid.


Long Past Due: Joan Wallach Scott's On the Judgment of History.

Scott McLemee Inside Higher Ed
Three efforts to right historical wrongs - Nuremberg Trials' prosecution of Nazi war crimes but not crimes against its own people, South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation established the former if not the latter, and today's demand for reparations.

The Revolutionary Life and Times of Ruth First, and Her Legacy (long)

Ronnie Kasrils Umsebenzi Online
Ruth Heloise First was an outstanding revolutionary, who through practical experience became focused on developing ideas to drive social action. Biographical tribute by her comrade and friend, Ronnie Kasrils, on the 38th year of her assassination.

Global Left Midweek - September 9, 2020

Three from Vijay Prashad, international labor challenges G20, mutual aid in Puerto Rico, and more news and analysis from the international left

Mandela Taught Us the Value of a United Cause in Prison

Sunny Singh The Mercury
My focus is on our struggles inside prison. These were struggles to improve the terrible conditions that were beyond any civilised standards. Even in the harshest conditions all the forces fighting the regimes, were united against a common enemy.

Andrew Mlangeni – Tribute to a Backroom Boy

Ronnie Kasrils Portside
Mlangeni was the last surviving accused in the historic Treason Trial of 1964, where he was sentenced to life imprisonment alongside Nelson Mandela and five other liberation struggle icons. He died July 20 in his Soweto home at the age of 95.
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