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Hiding The Union Busters

Julia Rock The Daily Poster
The American Bar Association and corporate interests are trying to block a rule that would expose their anti-labor activities.

NYT’s Africa: A Place of Failure and No Leadership

Siyanda Mohutsiwa FAIR
The New York Times, by portraying Africa as a place of failure and no leadership, participates in the White Savior Industrial complex and the NGO pyramid scheme in keeping the Global North in position of dominance over their “former colonies."

A Backroom Deal To Kill Single Payer

Julia Rock The Daily Poster
Under pressure from labor leaders and insurance execs, NY Dem leaders are blocking a vote on health care legislation even though it has majority support in the legislature.

Poem with an Ear Pressed to the Ground

Kindra McDonald Rattle
“So much of this last year has been about breath and breathing,” writes the poet Kindra McDonald, referring to respirators and the words “I can’t breathe.”

Trump-inspired Death Threats are Terrorizing Election Workers

Linda So Reuters
Flag that says stop the steal
Election officials and their families are living with threats of hanging, firing squads, torture and bomb blasts, interviews and documents reveal. The campaign of fear, sparked by Trump's voter-fraud falsehoods, threatens the U.S. electoral system.