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The Life and Times of Conn Hallinan, 1942–2024

Charles Idelson Portside
Son of legendary San Franciscans left luminaries, Vincent and Vivian Hallinan, Conn, popularly known to multitude of friends as “Ringo,” carved his own reputation as an activist, journalist, prolific columnist on world affairs, educator, and novelist


We Will Come Out of it a Stronger Union

Anand Singh, President of UNITE HERE Local 2, interviewed by David Bacon New Labor Forum
Hotel workers around the country have suffered the impacts of the pandemic, and UNITE HERE has been hit particularly hard. David Bacon interviews Anand Singh, President of UNITE HERE Local 2, about the pandemic and future of the union.

Hidden Hunger - How Families Slip Through

Tara Duggan San Francisco Chronicle
One in 10 Bay Area residents earns too little to cover the cost of living; of those, 62 percent earn too much to qualify for food stamps.

Bay Area Shows How to Defeat Nazis and KKK; Dockworkers Just Showed the Labor Movement How to Shut Down Fascists; Bay Area Thousands Against White Terrorists (in pictures)

Peter Cole and David Bacon
Relying on the photographs, reporting and video in the mainstream media can give you a false idea about the marches and demonstrations against white supremacists and Nazi sympathizers in San Francisco and Berkeley last weekend. What role should the labor movement play in beating back the resurgence of fascism? Resistance, while a powerful concept, is far too vague. Local 10 ILWU demonstrates what can be done.


Fast-Food Workers Set to Strike over Wages

Joe Garofoli
Low-income workers from 150 U.S. cities and 33 countries in protests on Thursday to call attention to wealth inequality.The protest comes amid a national push to raise the minimum wage - and it could mark a significant moment in the campaign, according to John Logan, a professor of labor and employment studies at San Francisco State University.


East Bay Fast-Food Workers to Strike Thursday

Heather Somerville Contra Costa Times
The Bay Area strike is one of a series of nationwide one-day strikes -- timed for Labor Day and the 50th anniversary of the historic civil rights-era March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. The strikes are the culmination of months of fast-food walkouts that began on the East Coast, organized by New York-based grassroots movement Fast Food Forward, and have rippled across the country.
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