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As EU Elections Approach, Europe Confronts a Cliff

Conn Hallinan Foreign Policy in Focus
With the hard right running left and the center-left abdicating, Euroskeptics could accelerate a continent-wide crisis. Global migration is on the rise as climate change drowns coastlines, river deltas and drought drives people out of arid climates.

Global Left Midweek - October 24, 2018

Mexican President-Elect Defends Caravan, Demos in Haiti, Belgian Vote Breaks Green and Left, Korean Women's Movement, People's Power in Uganda, Rising Right Threatens Americas, Euro Parliament: Gysi Speaks

Global Left Midweek - September 26, 2018

Brazilian Women Represent, Corbyn and Antisemitism, Cuba and Racism, Québec Solidaire, Left Unity in India, Poland's Rising Star, South African Workers Divided

Tidbits - Aug. 30, 2018 - Reader Comments: Trump Above the Law?; Supporters Still Believers; Medicare for All, Free College Wildly Popular; Silent Sam Falls; David McReynolds; Puerto Rico; Far Right in Government-Reports from Europe; and more...

Reader Comments: Trump Above the Law?; Supporters Still Believers; Medicare for All, Free College Wildly Popular; Silent Sam Falls; David McReynolds; Puerto Rico; Spike Lee' BlacKkKlansman; Far Right in Government - Free Resource; Announcements;

Germany’s 28-Hour Workweek

Klaus Dorre, Loren Balhorn Jacobin
Jacobin’s Loren Balhorn sat down with German labor sociologist Klaus Dörre to find out more about the strike, what the workers really gained, and what it might say about the German labor movement’s future.

Why Europe's Center-Left Keeps Losing Elections

Conn Hallinan Foreign Policy in Focus
Voters can't tell the difference between the center left and the center right, and they don't want either. As the center-left accommodated itself to capital, it eroded its trade union base. Where center-left parties embraced unabashedly progressive policies, on the other hand, voters supported them

Crisis In Germany?

Victor Grossman Portside
The impasse in forming a government in Germany has dragged on since election day, September 24th – often like a traffic gridlock, hardly moving forward. But Germany is Europe’s main central power – and with no proper government! Angela Merkel still acts as boss, the old ruling cabinet holds on as caretakers, but it’s all on borrowed time, with no legitimacy.

The Importance of the Fight for the South -- and Why It Can and Must be Won

Bob Wing and Stephen C. McClure Organizing UpGrade
The far right, racism, militarism, inequality, and poverty are all centered in the South. The majority of African Americans, the main protagonist of progressive politics in this country, live in the South. And the South has more electoral votes, battleground state votes, population, and congresspersons than any other region. The South is changing rapidly, giving rise to more progressive demographic groups - especially Black and Latino migrations...
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