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“Casablanca” Has a Message for Us Today

Greg Olear Prevail
The first time I saw Casablanca was 1992, The most recent was last night. On each viewing, I notice something I hadn’t seen before, walk away with something new. Casablanca is often described as a romance—and it is. It is a drama. It is a war film...


Sketches From Spain: Homage to the Abraham Lincoln Brigade

Philip C. Kolin, reviewer Portside
No one is better qualified than Peter Neil Carroll to write a book of memorial poems about the valiant men and women who volunteered for the Abraham Lincoln Brigade to fight the fascists in the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939.

Fighting Fire and Fascism in the American West

Patrick Bigger and Sara Nelson Dissent Magazine
Ecological crisis, rural deindustrialization, and real estate speculation have created conditions in which the far right thrives. Combatting the rising right and surging wildfires will take a progressive green industrial policy,

The Capitol Riot: Documents You Should Read

Lauren Harper and Tom Blanton - Compiled and edited by National Security Archive
The Pentagon’s timeline of its response to the January 6 mob attack on the Capitol features multiple discrepancies with the public record, while the first federal indictment details specific legal charges that likely will be brought against others
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