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The War on Terror Was Corrupt From the Start

Farah Stockman New York Times
The war in Afghanistan wasn’t a failure. It was a massive success — for those who made a fortune off it. Instead of a nation, what we really built were more than 500 military bases — and the personal fortunes of the people who supplied them.

9/11 & the War on Terror: A Queer Afghan Reflects

Neda Said Organizing Upgrade
I feel the burden of having to demonstrate that my ancestral homeland deserves to exist, and that my people are human and multi-faceted, with a rich history and resistance, and deserve the opportunity to thrive.


Winged Words: Maxime Rodinson on the Prophet Mohammad

Tariq Ali Tariq Ali London Review of Books
With Islamophobia rife in Europe and the Western hemisphere and with France’s center and far-right parties weaponizing laicity and scapegoating refugees, it’s time for engaged readers to reacquaint themselves with Rodinson’s classic study.

What Ilhan Omar Actually Said

Elizabeth Bruenig The Atlantic
No one should believe that Ilhan Omar thinks the United States is identical to the Taliban. Omar demonstrably did not say what she’s been accused of having said; what she did say was true...

After the Muslim Ban

Domenica Ghanem Otherwords
demonstration against Mulim ban In short, ending the Muslim ban should begin a bigger process of healing the harms this long-term dehumanization has caused.
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