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Tidbits - June 1, 2017 - Reader Comments: Trump, Sessions, Pence, Impeachment - Readers Debate; Resistance Ballot Box Victories; Lynching, Slavery, Removal of Confederate Symbols; Israel; Palestine; People's Summit; more...

Reader Comments: Trump, Sessions, Pence, Impeachment - Readers Debate; Resistance Ballot Box Victories; Racism, Lynching, Slavery, Removal of Confederate Symbols; Israel; Palestine; Saudi Arabia; Puerto Rico; 2017 People’s Summit; New Resource to Protect Medicaid and Health Equity; Great News from Workers Independent News; and more...

'God Have Mercy on Your Souls': GOP Passes Cruel, Destructive Trumpcare Bill

Lauren McCauley Common Dreams
By rushing this bill through Congress, Republicans are creating a manufactured crisis that will devastate millions of families. GOP Trumpcare plan is a disaster. It would take away health care from millions of people, cost thousands more for middle-class and low-income Americans, and strip protections from people with pre-existing conditions, all to give a massive tax break to insurance company CEOs and the wealthiest Americans.

Inside the Mysterious GOP Crusade to Defund Planned Parenthood—For One Year

Christine Grimaldi Rewire
Cutting off Planned Parenthood from Medicaid reimbursements really means cutting off Medicaid recipients from Planned Parenthood. Women should have the same rights as members of Congress, the right to choose the health-care provider that provides them high-quality, affordable care in their community.

The Republican Health-Care Plan the Country Isn’t Debating

Drew Altman Washington Post
Medicaid spending exceeds half a trillion dollars, and the program represents more than half of all federal funds spent by states. Medicaid has changed dramatically from its beginnings as a program largely for women and children on welfare. It now has more than 70 million beneficiaries, and its reach is so broad that almost two-thirds of Americans say that they, a family member or a friend have been covered by Medicaid at some point.

Repealing Health Reform's Medicaid Expansion Would Cause Millions to Lose Coverage, Harm State Budgets

Jesse Cross-Call Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Without the Medicaid expansion, low-income people across the country would be left with no pathway to affordable health coverage. Repealing the Medicaid expansion would eliminate health coverage for up to, and quite possibly more than, 11 million low-income Americans in the 31 states (plus the District of Columbia) that have taken up this option.

Bernie Sanders Releases Outline of Universal Health Care Plan—And It's Pretty Good

By Kevin Drum Mother Jones
Bernie’s plan will cover the entire continuum of health care, from inpatient to outpatient care; preventive to emergency care; primary care to specialty care, including long-term and palliative care; vision, hearing and oral health care; mental health and substance abuse services; as well as prescription medications, medical equipment, supplies, diagnostics and treatments. As a patient, all you need to do is go to the doctor and show your insurance card-you'll save $$$$$


The Worst Paying Fastest-Growing Job in America

Claire Zillman Fortune
Historical discrimination, demographics, and public funding have left home care workers at the very bottom of the American work hierarchy. The wages these workers earn are painfully low: the median salary for a personal care aide is $19,910 annually, or $9.57 an hour; a home health aide earns $20,820 or $10.01 per hour. On the Bureau of Labor Statistic's list of 30 fastest-growing jobs, personal and home care aides are the worst paid.
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