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Why Cities Should Stop Playing Amazon’s Game

Amihai Glazer The Conversation
In my research as an economist studying corporate welfare, I have reviewed much evidence on the effectiveness of tax and other incentives. My conclusion: Incentives just don’t work.

How Unions Can Solve the Housing Crisis

Erik Forman In These Times
The labor movement once built 40,000 units of low-cost co-op apartments for working class New Yorkers. Those units are embers of a vision that once fired the labor movement: Build for human need, not for profit. Labor can build it again.

Haul Together

Olivia Schwob Urban Omnibus
huge pile of trash In terms of planning, the anarchy of the present is hard to dispute. In NYC, about 200,000 businesses contract directly with... roughly 260 trash-hauling companies, without regard for the geographic distribution of the company’s pickup points.

Subway Woes? Don't Blame Workers

Laura Gabby Labor Notes
The “Subway Scam” ads are the latest baloney from the Center for Union Facts, a corporate-backed nonprofit devoted to attacking unions. According to recent tax filings, its funders include hedge fund billionaire Robert Mercer, a major backer of the Trump presidential campaign and Breitbart News.
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