Tidbits - Feb. 6, 2020 - Reader Comments: Guilty -Not Impeached; Sanders campaign; Martin Luther King's Legacy; Organizing; Afghanistan, Guantánamo; Black History Month resources; Labor Scholarships available; Harry Belafonte celebration; Announcements;
Re: Democracy Is Fragile. Civil Rights Activists Already Know That. (Robert Rosario; Luigi Carriz; Jose Sanchez Cordero; Sharai Rudolphi; Jan Horowitz)
A Monarchy, If He Can Get It -- cartoon by Pat Bagley
Re: Dershowitz Is Wrong — Abuse of Power Is Grounds for Impeachment (Calvin St. James; Gordon Galland; Gil Suarez Rolon)
State of the Union 2020 -- cartoon by Jimmy Margulies
Re: Young People Are Set to Make History With Bernie Sanders—If They Show (Raymond Acevedo)
Re: The Sanders Revolution in Des Moines, Iowa (Laurel MacDowell)
Re: If Democrats Want to Honor Legacy of Dr. King, Says Ocasio-Cortez, "We Have to Be Dangerous Too" (Jim Price; Alice Newton; Claire O'Connor; Eleanor Roosevelt; Disraelly Gutierrez Jaime; Michael Smith)
Bolton Begs to Differ -- cartoon by Tom Toles
Re: Breaking News From Corporate Media: Billionaires Do Not Like Socialism (Peter Knowlton; Judy Atkins; Irene Jacobson; Wendi Galczik)
Re: Reporters Face New Threats From the Governments They Cover (Anastasia Kitsul)
Re: How to Organize Your Workplace Without Getting Caught (Jon Forster)
Re: How Chaos at Chain Pharmacies Is Putting Patients at Risk (Leanna Noble; Miñi Solá de Ysern)
Re: Libya: Before and After Muammar Gaddafi (Mike Liston; Tom Downes)
The Afghanistan Papers and a Mother’s Question (Mary Hladky - United for Peace & Justice)
Re: 18 Years After Its Opening, Justice Remains Elusive for Prisoners of Guantánamo (Rosin Lopez; Frank R. Berrios; Aida Rivera)
Muslim Ban: Expansion Fact Sheet (Muslim Advocates)
Black History Month: Activism Through Artists, Lawyers, and Storytellers (Center for Constitutional Rights)
24 Children's Books To Read To Your Kids In Honor Of Black History Month (Taylor Pittman - HuffPost)
Film Showings: Black Solidarity in a Global Context - New York - February 6, 13, 18, 26 and 29 (Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung)
Prosecution of Julian Assange: His Right to Publish is Our Right to Know - Queens - February 15 (FAIR, National Lawyers Guild-NYC, NYC Free Assange, Big Apple Coffee Party, OR Books)
Webinar: Dr. Martin Luther King and the Fight for Economic Justice - February 23
NYC Metro Mobilization Meeting for World Conference/Rally/March - New York - February 13 (Peace Action New York State)
Webinar to Commemorate the Life of Jack O'Dell - February 24 (Socialist Education Project)
Debate: Sanders or Warren - Time to Choose? - New York - February 24 (The Nation Magazine)
City Winery Presents: A Celebration of the Music of Harry Belafonte at The Apollo - March 1
Full Scholarships for Labor & Social Justice Champions! - Deadline March 3, 2020 (CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies)
Fellowships for Young Women in the Labor Movement - Deadline April 15, 2020 (WILL Empower - Women Innovating Labor Leadership)
Today in History
Seattle General Strike - February 6, 1919 (Seattle General Strike of 1919 Project)
Re: Democracy Is Fragile. Civil Rights Activists Already Know That.
Robert Rosario
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Luigi Carriz
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Mitch McConnell’s conduct of Trump’s Senate trial recalls the baleful history of southern racial injustice in the civil rights era. Wow, such truth. Wish we would all have seen and heard the truth at Trumps trial but Moscow Mitch saw to it that we had that southern type of justice.
Jose Sanchez Cordero
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
yes - morals, ethics, and humanity matter!
Sharai Rudolphi
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Sad, interesting perspective.
Jan Horowitz
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
A Monarchy, If He Can Get It -- cartoon by Pat Bagley
Pat Bagley
February 2, 2020
The Salt Lake Tribune
Re: Dershowitz Is Wrong — Abuse of Power Is Grounds for Impeachment
Dershowitz is lauded as having one of the best legal minds of our time. But. He seems to have extreme lapses in judgment. As part of the Epstein underage sex crime debacle, he stated he only got a massage. Same decision a drunken sailor would have made with an underage girl, maybe. So, when you defend trump you enter into the irrational, untrue and indefensible.
Calvin St. James
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
The Divine Right of Kings revisited..
Gordon Galland
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
In NY we got a few sayings like, "Fugetaboutit" or in this case "Whattapeesashit"!!!
Gil Suarez Rolon
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
State of the Union 2020 -- cartoon by Jimmy Margulies
Jimmy Margulies
February 3, 2020
Re: Young People Are Set to Make History With Bernie Sanders—If They Show
I live in Puerto Rico the Youth is powerful. 600, 000 thousand voted a Governor in office down here. And 1.5 million young people got his corrupted ass out in 72 hours. I'm 60 years of age and never in my life time have I seen a multitude of Young people determine and willing to run over the capital building.
Young people make change and get shit done
Raymond Acevedo
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Re: The Sanders Revolution in Des Moines, Iowa
America is a great country with energy, enterprise and know how. Its people are friendly and there is prosperity even if it is unevenly shared.
Politically many people are brainwashed by corporate America and by organized religion.
The result is America is way behind other industrial countries when it comes to universal health care and other social programs. So go Bernie go and congratulations to the youth supporting him. Change in the political system is long overdue. After watching the Senate's self interested approach to impeachment this past week, it is clear that substantial change is necessary. But you will still be up against the great performer, Trump.
Laurel MacDowell
Re: If Democrats Want to Honor Legacy of Dr. King, Says Ocasio-Cortez, "We Have to Be Dangerous Too"
very short and to the point
Jim Price
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Read the history of the failure of people to unite and compromise that let to Hitler. And MLK used strategy and compromised. This is dangerous, revisionist rhetoric.
Alice Newton
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Every time she speaks she says things I've been thinking but didn't know. What a bold, revolutionary, DANGEROUS power she offers us!
Claire O'Connor
Some of us won't live long enough for "incremental changes" to make any difference. We've got one chance left to fix this mess. Don't blow it.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
With its adherence to centrism over progressivism, the Democratic Party is run by “true believers” in the notion that “we can capitalism our way out of poverty” by rejecting bold, far-reaching initiatives like Medicare for All and the Green New Deal in favor of incremental changes to the healthcare and economic systems.
“And that’s an area where I agree with Dr. King, that that assessment is flawed,” Rep. Ocasio-Cortez said. “We can’t sit around and use the high school history version of Dr. King,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “King’s life did not end because he said ‘I have a dream.’ It ended because he was dangerous to the core injustices of this nation…If we want to honor him, we have to be dangerous too.”
Disraelly Gutierrez Jaime
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Michael Smith
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Bolton Begs to Differ -- cartoon by Tom Toles
Tom Toles
January 27, 2020
The Washington Post
Re: Breaking News From Corporate Media: Billionaires Do Not Like Socialism
“By reporting what multimillionaire and billionaire CEOs say about efforts to change a system they so clearly have a huge stake in staying the same, without highlighting, or even mentioning, their conflict of interest, corporate media are doing their audiences a disservice—effectively propagandizing them into supporting a model their owners and advertisers benefit from. If media are to perform their role as the fourth estate properly, they should really be scrutinizing power, not uncritically amplifying it.”
Peter Knowlton
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
It’s like asking the boss if it’s ok if you form a union!
Judy Atkins
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
thanks to you Billionaires, we hate Capitalism----u destroy everything u touch all in the name of greed.
Irene Jacobson
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Billionaires are great....roasted on a spit at 30 minutes to the pound...Eat the rich!
Wendi Galczik
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Re: Reporters Face New Threats From the Governments They Cover
Great piece if you care about free press and national security issues.
Anastasia Kitsul
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Re: How to Organize Your Workplace Without Getting Caught
(posting on Portside Labor)
This all very nice, and informative, about how to use public media and the press, but it doesn't say anything about how to approach your fellow colleagues and determine whether there is some wide spread dissatisfaction and the how to build a cadre of Activists who you can rely on to help organizing. Also one should talk about mapping the workplace and accessing co-workers commitment to organizing a union. Will they pursue this no matter what? Are they interested by still need reinforcing? Are they non-committal? Or are they actively anti-union?
The one on one communications are still critical whether via social media or in person, though the latter is almost always more effective.
Anyhow, this is not really a guide to organizing your workplace, but more of a guide about how to not get caught.
In Solidarity,
Jon Forster
Local 375/DC37/AFSCME
Re: How Chaos at Chain Pharmacies Is Putting Patients at Risk
For profit, corporate health care is an oxymora and will NEVER provide the health care we all deserve. Only "beneficiaries" are CEOs and BIG shareholders. Singlepayer health care NOW!
Leanna Noble
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
These are the reasons why I left work at Walgreens. It costs pharmacists their health to try and please both the non pharmacist supervisors and clients.
The stress is terrible and to be constantly pressed to meet a sales / profit goals is unbearable.
Miñi Solá de Ysern
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Re: Libya: Before and After Muammar Gaddafi
U.S. came, U.S. wrecked their land, U.S. stole their oil. It's the same old song.
Mike Liston
This article articulates what I have been trying to say for years to people. Gaddafi kept the region stable. Of course, I am one of the few Americans who read his Green Book. It's a short read, only 110 pages or so. Thanks for the article
Tom Downes
The Afghanistan Papers and a Mother’s Question
The Washington Post recently released the Afghanistan Papers, which are internal government documents that exposed the lies told to the American people, documenting early on that the Afghanistan War was a debacle and could not be won. Yet, our government chose to continue that war now in its 19th year.
As the mother of an infantry officer who served in Zhari District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan, at the height of President Obama’s surge, I have a question: How do three Presidents and top military leaders responsible for the Afghanistan War, justify their actions to those mothers who lost a child for no good reason?
Our government, and those who enable endless war, have clearly shown us what they think of our military men and women, the ones they proclaim to honor and respect – that, in fact, their lives are disposable, and can be simply thrown away, sacrificed for lies, unwilling to admit the Afghanistan war could not be won, damn the consequences.
As the Afghanistan Papers clearly outline, lies were told to benefit ladder climbing officers, falsely documenting progress on their watch, when none was made. And lies were told by our government leaders, on both sides of the aisle, who knew, or should have known that the war was futile. And the arms makers made a killing off of killing, raking in billions of dollars, year after year. They were just fine with the concept of endless war and endless profits. All of this is despicable and disgraceful. Those in power have deeply betrayed our military men and women.
These facts are just another way to continually torture families who lost a loved one, or whose family member returned home from war broken, physically and mentally.
And to add more insult to injury, Congress overwhelmingly approved, in the wake of these horrendous revelations, the ever-increasing Pentagon budget of $738 billion.
Also, the U.S. has dropped more bombs on Afghanistan in 2018 and 2019 than at any other time since the war began. In 2019 alone, the US dropped 7,423 separate munitions on Afghanistan targets representing a dramatic increase in bombings since President Barack Obama's "surge" in 2010, when 5,101 bombs were dropped. These bombings have greatly increased civilian casualties. And to what end? Killing civilians is the most effective recruitment tool, creating more enemies determined to fight America.
So, for the record – we have documented proof that the U.S. government has gone to war for lies in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. And these lies have cost the lives of at least 66,000 U.S. troops and the lives of well over a million civilians.
How can we ignore these facts? Where is our humanity? Where is our anger?
The war in Afghanistan is criminal, the horrors outlined in the Afghanistan Papers demand accountability. Congressional hearings must be held and the Afghanistan War must end now.
We must stop the killing, take the trillions of dollars devoted to endless war and instead invest in our people, invest in our environment, and invest in our future.
Stop the Madness – No More War.
Mary Hladky
United for Peace & Justice Coordinating Committee
Military Families Speak Out, a UFPJ member group
United for Peace & Justice
244 Fifth Ave, Suite D55
New York, NY 10001
(917) 410-0119
Re: 18 Years After Its Opening, Justice Remains Elusive for Prisoners of Guantánamo
Very sad and cruel. Too many years have passed in this concentration camp.
Rosin Lopez
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
They been there for 28 years
Frank R. Berrios
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
In fact, they were all condemned since the beginning without trial in the best American tradition... too many years imprisoned...
Aida Rivera
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Muslim Ban: Expansion Fact Sheet
Presidential Proclamation Expands Muslim Ban to Six Additional Countries
Proclamation effective date: February 21, 2020
Fact Sheet - click here
Take action to stop this.Tell Congress to pass the NO BAN Act. It will not only repeal the current MuslimBan, it will also prohibit discrimination on the basis of religion by any president.
Take action: muslimadvocates.org/muslim-ban
Muslim Advocates
P.O. Box 34440
Washington, DC 20043
Black History Month: Activism Through Artists, Lawyers, and Storytellers
As an organization that stands with social movements and communities resisting oppression, we know that change is possible when artists, storytellers, and lawyers dream together. This Black History Month, we celebrate the extraordinary Black artists, storytellers, and lawyers who have challenged the world we have and helped us imagine the world we want to see. We are proud to highlight this special group of creatives, allies, and movement partners who are using their tremendous gifts to advocate for racial justice, human rights, and social and political transformation.
Activism through artists
For over 50 years, we have been uplifted, sustained, and inspired by countless artists who not only urgently “reflect the times,” but whose work charts an irresistible future.
We have strategized with the legendary Harry Belafonte and rapper Tef Poe during the Ferguson uprisings; we partnered with Grammy Award-winning jazz great Esperanza Spaulding and the extraordinary poets Saul Williams and Aja Monet on the treatment of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay. We’ve worked with artist and actor Yasiin Bey to end stop-and-frisk; filmmaker Stanley Nelson on the legacy of Black radical activism; Danny Glover to address the political crisis in Haiti; filmmaker Jacqueline Olive on modern-day lynchings and Broadway performer Tanya Birl to end solitary confinement.
We worked in partnership with Jay-Z on the closure of the infamous jail on Rikers Island; actress Kerry Washington on police killings and filmmaker dream hampton on trans justice. We have a continuing partnership with The Dream Unfinished Activist Orchestra’s annual concert for Civil Rights, which has featured talents of vocalist Helga Davis, violinist Kelly Hall-Tompkins, award-winning contemporary composers like Jessie Montgomery and Courtney Bryan, and vastly underappreciated past composers like Florence Price and William Grant Still.
Our Executive Director Vince Warren, a jazz and funk musician, often says “There are only two things worth doing in life - alleviating pain, and creating beauty.” At the Center for Constitutional Rights, we honor the Black artists who do both, who do it all. Here’s to Black History, Black Future, and Black Art!
- Darlene Newman
- Zeelie Brown
- Dario Calmese
Center for Constitutional Rights https://ccrjustice.org
666 Broadway
7th Floor
New York, NY 10012
Main: 212-614-6464
Donations: 212-614-6448
Fax: 212-614-6499
24 Children's Books To Read To Your Kids In Honor Of Black History Month
By Taylor Pittman
Updated February 1, 2019
February marks Black History Month, and storytime is just one of the many occasions when you can teach your kids about the accomplishments of black pioneers and trailblazers.
Children’s books are famously bad at embracing diversity. In 2016, the Cooperative Children’s Book Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison found that out of 3,400 kids’ books, fewer than one-quarter of them featured a main character who was black, Asian, Latino or Native American. So it’s vital that parents share the books that are available with their kids.
Luckily, there are many helpful resources putting these titles within close reach. For Black History Month, Lee & Low Books, a multicultural children’s book publisher, offers helpful book recommendations. Every day in February, The Brown Bookshelf highlights a different black author or illustrator and their work. Helping Kids Rise also participates in a #ReadingBlackout (an initiative to read books by black authors) at the encouragement of YouTuber Denise Cooper.
With suggestions from the organizations above, plus some others, we put together a list of kids’ books by black authors, about black figures or focused on black culture.
Read full article here
- Tiny Stitches: The Life of Medical Pioneer Vivien Thomas
- Look What Brown Can Do!
- Baby Flo: Florence Mills Lights Up the Stage
- I Have A Dream
- Coretta Scott
- Hidden Figures: The True Story of Four Black Women and the Space Race
- Bippity Bop Barbershop
- Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History
- The Story of Ruby Bridges
- I, Too, Am America
- Mae Among the Stars
- Rosa
- Last Stop on Market Street
- Juneteenth for Mazie
- Princess Hair
- Minty: A Story of Young Harriet Tubman
- Malcolm Little: The Boy Who Grew Up to Become Malcolm X
- Ellington Was Not a Street
- Ron's Big Mission
- Bronzeville Boys and Girls
- Sweet Clara and the Freedom Quilt
- The Snowy Day
- The Nutcracker in Harlem
- Yesterday I Had The Blues
Film Showings: Black Solidarity in a Global Context - New York - February 6, 13, 18, 26 and 29

credit: Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung
In the spirit of Audre Lorde, who encouraged Afro-Germans to make themselves visible within a culture that kept them isolated and silent, Black Solidarity in a Global Context is a month of programming that explores the deep roots of art, activism, and culture between Germany and the Black world.
With the rise of new far-right movements globally, international solidarity and the exchange of artistic and activist practices are an increasingly important aspect of anti-racist work. While new knowledge is now almost immediately shared via social media, this solidarity has a rich, often hidden history. From Black GIs who recognized the linked threats of American racism and European fascism, to international anti-apartheid work and the Black power movement, Black activists have consistently shared tactics and inspiration in the ever-present struggle against white supremacy. Through film screenings, talks, and panel discussions, this event series sheds light on both the often-lost history of transatlantic Black solidarity and contemporary movements for creative expression, solidarity, and equality across the African diaspora.
Feb 6: Talk & conversation | C& Projects x RAGGA NYC: Planetary Connections
@Goethe-Institut, 7:00 PM
Feb 13: Screening of Leo Hurwitz’s Strange Victory, with Michael Gillespie (CCNY Associate Professor of Media and Communication Arts)
@Maysles Cinema, 7:00 PM
Get tickets
Feb 18: Screening of Audre Lorde: The Berlin Years
@Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, 6:30 PM
Feb 26: Screening of Free Angela Davis and All Political Prisoners, and conversation with director Shola Lynch
@Goethe-Institut, 7:00 PM
Feb 29: Black Solidarity In A Global Context: A Transatlantic Roundtable
@Goethe-Institut, 4:00 PM
Goethe-Institut New York: 30 Irving Place
Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung: 275 Madison Avenue, suite 2114
Maysles Documentary Center: 343 Malcolm X Blvd
Co-presented with Goethe-Institut NY.
Find out more, click here.
Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Inc.
275 Madison Avenue, Suite 2114
New York, NY 10016
Prosecution of Julian Assange: His Right to Publish is Our Right to Know - Queens - February 15
A panel of experts will confront the dangerous consequences of the US government prosecuting Julian Assange under the Espionage Act of 1917.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
2:00 PM – 4:30 PM EST
CUNY School of Law
2 Court Square West
Queens, NY 11101
Leading journalists, attorneys, and human rights defenders will hold a panel discussion just weeks before the extradition trial of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who if sent to the United States would face the first ever charges of Espionage for the publication of truthful information in the public interest. If the Trump Administration can imprison a foreign publisher for life for exposing war crimes, what can't it do? And is the New York Times next? These esteemed speakers will consider these questions and what we can do to protect the First Amendment.
- Jim Goodale, former NYT General Counsel
- Renata Avila, human rights attorney
- Glen Ford, executive editor, Black Agenda Report
- Max Blumenthal, journalist, The Grayzone
New video statements from:
- Noam Chomsky
- Alice Walker
- Daniel Ellsberg
- Idalin Bobé, founder of TechActivist.org
The Courage Foundation is an international whistleblower support network, campaigning for the public and legal defense of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks at defend.wikileaks.org.
Sponsored by FAIR, National Lawyers Guild-NYC, NYC Free Assange, Big Apple Coffee Party, OR Books
Click here for map: A short walk from the Court Square Subway Station (7 train, E train, G train)
Webinar: Dr. Martin Luther King and the Fight for Economic Justice - February 23
Join Dr. Michael Honey, author of the book, To the Promised Land, Martin Luther King and the Fight for Economic Justice (the suggested reading), in a discussion of his work on Dr. King. Dr. Honey is also the editor of a collection of writings by Dr. King, "All Labor has Dignity" and the author of Going Down Jericho Road The Memphis Strike, Martin Luther King's Last Campaign. This promises to be a discussion worthy of participation by all.
Sunday, February 23, 2020 -- 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM EST
NYC Metro Mobilization Meeting for World Conference/Rally/March - New York - February 13
Plans for the upcoming World Conference, Rally and March for Disarmament, Peace, Climate & Justice taking place from April 24-26, 2020 are moving along. Hundreds of U.S. and international activists will be coming to Riverside Church on April 24-25 and joining a march from Union Square to the U.N. on April 26. We are expecting 800 Japanese activists, including hibakusha, to mark the 75th Anniversary of the atom bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We will be connecting our issues: prohibition and elimination of all nuclear weapons, reversing the climate crisis, and social and economic justice. Come be a part of the planning and outreach on February 13th and fill out your free registration here for the April 24-25 conference.
When: Thursday, February 13, 6:30-8:30 PM
Where: Bernie Wohl Community Center, 647 Columbus Ave at 91st Street
Free. Light Refreshments.
Open to the Public. For more information contact, info@panys.org.
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/497547031171921/
- Reports from NYC Organizers involved with 2020 Climate, Justice, Peace/Disarmament Campaigns
- Updates on World Conference Program/Registration - Joseph Gerson of AFSC & CPDCS. FREE registration https://worldconference2020.org/
- Updates on World Conference Rally/March - Aziz Dehkan
- Organize! Breakout Sessions
- International Information - Facilitator: Joseph Gerson
- Rally/March Organizing - Facilitator: Aziz Dehkan
- Outreach by Boro - Facilitator: Sally Jones
- Action Calendar - Facilitator: TBD
- Art Projects/Art Build - Facilitator TBD
Meeting Facilitators: Aziz Dehkan and Deseri Tseptis
Initiating organizations: American Friends Service Committee, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Campaign for Peace, Disarmament & Common Security, Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament and Peace, Gensuikin, Gensuikyo, International Pax Christi, International Peace Bureau, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, International Trade Union Confederation, Mouvement de la Paix, Movimiento Antinuclear de la República Argentina (MARA), Nihon Hidankyo, Nuclear Free Philippines Coalition, Peace Action, U.S. Labor Against the War, Western States Legal Foundation
Thursday, February 13, 2020
6:30 PM – 8:30 PM EST
Goddard Riverside Bernie Wohl Center
647 Columbus Avenue
New York, NY 10025
For more information contact: info@panys.org
Peace Action New York State
Church St. Station
P.O. Box 3357
New York, NY 10008-3357
T: 646-723-1749
F: 646-723-0996
E: info@panys.org
W: panys.org
Webinar to Commemorate the Life of Jack O'Dell - February 24
We invite you to celebrate and learn about the life of Jack O’Dell, one of the great radical strategists and thinkers of the last seventy-five years. Jack recently passed away at the age of 96 and has left a legacy of activism that few can match.
Monday, February 24, 2020 - The webinar will begin at 6 pm Pacific Time
Webinar to commemorate the life and work of Jack O’Dell
Bill Fletcher, Jr. will lead a round table conversation with people who worked with Jack: Jane Power, Nikhil Singh, James Campbell, Leslie Cagan, Sharon Maeda, Gene Bruskin and Michael Zweig.
The webinar will begin at 6 pm Pacific Time and run for 90 minutes. (Be sure to adjust time to where you live.)
Register here for the Webinar through Zoom. You will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Jack was rarely in the public eye, yet his work changed the world. He embodied the class, race and gender intersectional approach to theory and organizing that we so urgently need today. Among his many roles were lead organizer of the voter registration campaigns in the South led by the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.; chair of the Board of Pacifica Radio for twenty years, leading what was the most important left voice on radio in the US; served as a shop steward of the National Maritime Union in the 1940’s, a position that ignited his lifelong commitment to the labor movement; and editor and contributor to Freedomways, the leading theoretical journal of the civil rights movement, from 1961 – 1986.
In the peace movement, Jack held positions in SANE-Freeze and the peace activities of the American Friends Service Committee, was a leader of the anti-war movement's opposition to the first Gulf War in 1990-91, and was a lead organizer of the 1982 march against nuclear weapons that brought one million people to New York City’s Central Park. He was a close advisor, particularly on international issues, to Rev. Jesse Jackson during his presidential campaigns and the Rainbow-PUSH coalition. Jack was the driving force in imagining and drafting the Democracy Charter (www.asej.net) to serve as a vehicle in building a multi-issue, interconnected movement for substantive democracy in the United States.
The webinar is open to all. You can submit comments or questions by email to national@cc-ds.org beforehand or by using the chat function during the webinar.
The webinar is sponsored by the Socialist Education Project of the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism of which Jack was an advisory board member.
Debate: Sanders or Warren - Time to Choose? - New York - February 24
Sanders or Warren: Time to Choose?
Tuesday, February 24 | 6:30PM
Tishman Auditorium
63 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10003
With Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren vying with a crowded field to take on Donald Trump in the November presidential election, the Democratic Party is on the cusp of nominating the most progressive candidate of our lifetimes.
Plenty of progressives like both candidates but is it time to choose? On the eve of Super Tuesday, join The Nation in a debate at the New School on February 24, at 6:30PM. Moderated by Editor of The Nation D.D. Guttenplan, speakers Zephyr Teachout, Bhaskar Sunkara, Brad Lander, and Maurice Mitchell will debate which candidate will best defeat Donald Trump and deliver fundamental progressive change. Admission is $10. We'll see you there!
City Winery Presents: A Celebration of the Music of Harry Belafonte at The Apollo - March 1
Essence - January 17, 2020
Stars will gather at The Apollo in New York City on March 1 to celebrate the life and work of cultural icon Harry Belafonte.
Celebrities including Common, Maxwell, Shelia E., Macy Gray, and Talib Kweli will pay homage to the actor and singer, whose career as an entertainer and activist has spanned decades.
City Winery will present the event with proceeds from the celebration going to the Popular Democracy Movement Center and the Harry Belafonte 115th Street New York Public Library.
Throughout his life, Belafonte also known as the “King of Calypso,” has received tons of recognition for his work as an actor, singer, and humanitarian.
He won an Emmy in 1960 for Revlon Revue: Tonight with Belafonte. Along with a Tony Award, he earned three Grammy’s for his albums Swing Dat Hammer, An Evening with Belafonte/Makeba, and Belafonte At Carnegie Hall. He even received a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award from the academy. In 2015, Belafonte was awarded the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award at the Academy Awards.
Tickets for the celebration go on sale Friday, January 17 at 10 a.m. ET.
More information and tickets here.
100% of the net profit to benefit The Popular Democracy Movement Center and the Harry Belafonte 115th St. NY Library
Scholarships to Promote Diversity and Strengthen our Movements for Labor Rights & Social Justice!
Full Tuition for the MA in Labor Studies or BA in Urban & Community Studies.
For Info & Tips: Laurie.Kellogg@slu.cuny.edu
Strong candidates:
• Are passionate about labor rights and social change
• Have a strong academic background
• Possess leadership skills or leadership potential
• Will complete Part I of the application by March 3, 2020
What Students Learn
Students in the M.A. in Labor Studies program develop critical thinking, analytical, and leadership skills, while learning: labor law, history, practical skills, and contemporary challenges facing labor. The program is designed to support working adults or full-time students. The B.A. in Urban and Community Studies(labor concentration) curriculum examines policies and governance processes that affect diverse urban working-class communities. B.A. applicants must have completed 60 college credits.
Applicants must first apply to the M.A. in Labor Studies or the B.A. in Urban and Community Studies program by March 3, 2020. Contact Laurie.Kellogg@slu.cuny.edu or 718-440-1550 (day, evening or weekend) for information and tips on writing a successful application.
Diversity Scholarship applications must be received by March 24, 2020.
For more information:
Call us at (646) 313-8514
Visit us at slu.cuny.edu
CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies
25 West 43rd Street, 19th Floor
New York, NY 10036
Are you concerned about workers’ justice and women’s issues? Are you interested in trying out a job in the workers’ rights movement, but not sure where to start? Apply to be a 2020 WILL Empower Apprentice! Our Apprenticeship Program is a paid opportunity for recent college graduates and rank-and-file activists to explore what it’s like to work for the labor and workers’ justice movement, and to gain the skills and knowledge you need to begin making a difference.
Consider applying to be a 2020 WILL Empower apprentice. Applications are now open, and are due April 15, 2020. Apprentices will begin work in September 2020. Find out more here.
WILL Empower apprentices work for 3-12 months with unions and worker organizations across the nation. The WILL Empower apprentices may work in a variety of capacities, including organizing, research, communications, politics, mobilization, and policy. Pay starts at $15 an hour.
The 2019 apprenticeship class included ten apprentices. They worked for: Jobs to Move America in Birmingham, AL; the NC State AFL-CIO in Raleigh, NC; the Memphis Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO in Memphis TN; the United Campus Workers / CWA in Nashville, TN; UNITE HERE Local 25 in Washington, DC; Bargaining for the Common Good Network in Washington, DC; the International Brotherhood of Teamsters in Washington, DC; the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance in Washington, DC; and the Street Vendor Project in New York, NY.
Each WILL Empower apprentice has two female mentors, one inside the host organization and one who is external to the organization. WILL Empower apprentices participate in an orientation and training in early September at Georgetown University in Washington, DC, before beginning their placements.
“I left the gathering with a renewed commitment to fighting for economic, racial, and gender justice in my life/career and in what I hope and believe will be lifelong, supportive relationships with women who have already helped me become a better version of myself,” wrote Lorelei Christie in a blog post about her experience as a 2018 WILL Empower apprentice.
If your organization is interested in serving as a WILL Empower apprenticeship host site, please find out more information here on hosting an apprentice, and fill out the host site application form by March 31, 2020.
WILL Empower (Women Innovating Labor Leadership) is a multi-pronged initiative designed to identify, nurture, and train a new generation of women. It is a joint project of Georgetown University’s Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor and the Working Poor and Rutgers University SMLR’s Center for Innovation in Worker Organization.
Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor and the Working Poor
209 Maguire Hall | Georgetown University | 37th and O St NW
Washington, DC 20057
(202) 687-2293
Center for Innovation in Worker Organization
School of Management and Labor Relations
94 Rockefeller Rd | Rutgers University
Piscataway Township, NJ 08854
(848) 445-5973
Today in History - Seattle General Strike - February 6, 1919
The Seattle General Strike of February 1919 was the first twentieth century solidarity strike in the United States to be proclaimed a “general strike.” It led off a tumultuous era of post-World War I labor conflict that saw massive strikes shut down the nation's steel, coal, and other industries and threaten civil unrest in a dozen cities. The Seattle General Strike Project is a multimedia website exploring this important event. It is part of the Civil Rights and Labor History Consortium based at the University of Washington.
On the morning of February 6, 1919, Seattle, a city of 315,000 people, stopped working. 25,000 union members had joined 35,000 shipyard workers already on strike. The city's AFL unions, 101 of them, had voted to walk out in a gesture of support and solidarity. And most of the remaining work force stayed home as stores closed and streetcars stopped running. The city was stunned and quiet. While the mayor and business leaders huddled at City Hall, eight blocks away the four-story Labor Temple, headquarters for the Central Labor Council and 60,000 union members, hummed with activity. An elected Strike Committee had taken responsibility for coordinating essential services. Thousands were fed each day at impromptu dining stations staffed by members of the culinary unions. The teamsters union saw to it that supplies reached the hospitals, that milk and food deliveries continued. An unarmed force of labor's "War Veteran Guards" patrolled the streets, urging calm, urging strikers to stay at home. On the second day, the Mayor threatened to declare martial law and two battalions of US Army troops took up position in the city, but the unions ignored the threat and calm prevailed. "Nothing moved but the tide," remembered a striker years later.
Nothing moved but the tide
In that sense, the strike was a success. Big strikes in the past had usually led to big violence, but this one remained completely peaceful, and in doing so provided a model for later mobilizations. On the other hand, it was becoming clear that the sympathy strike was not working. Most of the local and national press denounced the strike, while conservatives called for stern measures to suppress what looked to them to be a revolutionary plot. More important, the federal officials charged with managing the shipyards, refused to negotiate. Some of the unions wavered on the strike's third day. Most others had gone back to work by the time the Central Labor Council officially declared an end on February 11. By then police and vigilantes were hard at work rounding up Reds. The IWW hall and Socialist Party headquarters were raided and leaders arrested. Federal agents also closed the Union Record, the labor-owned daily newspaper, and arrested several of its staff. Meanwhile across the country headlines screamed the news that Seattle had been saved, that the revolution had been broken, that, as Mayor Hanson phrased it, “Americanism” had triumphed over “Bolshevism.” That was not story that most of the strikers would tell, nor the lesson that generations of labor activists would draw from it. The Seattle General Strike lasted only six days, but, in a variety of different ways, has continued to be of interest and importance ever since.
This multimedia website explores the history and consequences of the Seattle General Strike of 1919. Below you will find original research articles, digitized newspaper articles and other important documents, photographs, and extensive bibliographic materials. Start by watching two short videos, one produced by KCTS, the other an excerpt from Witness to Revolution: The Story of Anna Louis Strong produced and directed by Lucy Ostrander. Then read Roberta Gold’s article from the Encyclopedia of Labor History Worldwide and "An Account of What Happened in Seattle and Especially in the Seattle Labor Movement, During the General Strike, February 6 To 11, 1919" written by Anna Louise Strong and members of the General Strike Committee. Daren Salter has created a dramatic slide show that tells the story of the strike with photos and headlines illustrating key events. The most detailed account is the new centennial edition of the The Seattle General Strike by Robert L. Friedheim brought up to date with an introduction, photo essay, and afterword by James N. Gregory.
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