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Global Left Midweek - March 6, 2019

Montréal Urban Left, Eastern Europeans on Venezuela Crisis, France: Police vs. Yellow Vests, Algeria's Mass Protest Movement, El Salvador’s Backslide, Swaziland Youth Congress, Class Struggle in Iran

Global Left Midweek - January 2, 2019

AMLO Sworn in as Mexico's President, An Assassination in Oaxaca, Mass Protests in Serbia, The Vests Persist, Cuba's New Constitution, Migrant Workers in Korea, Unrest in Iran, Global Year

The Srebrenica Precedent

David N. Gibbs Jacobin
A truly pivotal event in the post–Cold War era, Srebrenica helped forge a pro-interventionist alliance of both militarist liberals and conservatives. This alliance remains a potent lobby for war to the present day.
Subscribe to Serbia