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Counting Continues in the 2020 Presidential Race

Heather Cox Richardson Letters from an American
But Trump’s power is wavering, and he can no longer control the narrative. As he spoke, NBC News and MSNBC cut in to note that he was lying. After he finished, other media outlets also pushed back.

Senate Battle Threatens to Spill into Overtime

Jordain Carney The Hill
The number of close races, the potential for runoffs, and the influx of mail-in and absentee voters mean it could be weeks or months before knowing which party will control the Senate.

The Long Tail of Voter Suppression

Michael Barajas Texas Observer
As the growing number of Black and Latinx voters threaten the GOP’s stranglehold on power, attempts to limit safe voting options during the pandemic reveal a deeper sickness in Texas politics.

The Battle for Mail-In Ballots

Steven Rosenfeld (LA Progressive), Kaleigh Rogers (Five Thirty Eight) LA Progressive, Five Thirty Eight
Two articles explore complex battle raging over mail-in balloting.

A Call To Arenas! Defend the Right To Vote! Defeat Trump!

Peter Olney The Stansbury Forum
Milwaukee Bucks sports arena Imagine NBA Stars -- outside giant sports arenas used as public polling and voting locations -- acting as poll watchers insuring that urban voters, Black and brown folks, file in unsuppressed by armed Para fascists.
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