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Tidbits - Nov. 8, 2018 - Reader Comments: 2018 elections, Voter Suppression, Georgia; Racism and Anti-Semitism; Contemporary Music and Theme of Work; Military Budget; US Foreign Policies and Wars; Toward Racial Justice; Announcements...

Reader Comments: Reader Comments: 2018 elections, Voter Suppression, Georgia; Connected Fights: Racism and Anti-Semitism; Contemporary Music and Theme of Work; Military Budget; U.S. Foreign Policies and Wars; Toward Racial Justice; Announcements...

Diseases of Despair

Chris Hedges Truthdig
A loss of income causes more than financial distress. It severs, as the sociologist Émile Durkheim pointed out, the vital social bonds that give us meaning.

The GOP’s Overtime Reform Plan: Fraud Masquerading as Flexibility

Justin Miller The American Prospect
Amid endless political cacophony in Washington, D.C., House Republicans are quietly advancing legislation that would drive a freight train through a central tenet of New Deal-era labor law: overtime. With Obama’s landmark overtime expansion blocked in the courts, conservatives roll out a plan that would undo overtime pay as we know it.

The Gig Economy Celebrates Working Yourself to Death

Jia Tolentino The New Yorker
The American obsession with self-reliance, which makes it more acceptable to applaud an individual for working oneself to death than to argue that an individual working her/himself to death is evidence of a flawed economic system. The contrast between the gig economy’s rhetoric (everyone is always connecting, having fun, and killing it!) and the conditions that allow it to exist (a lack of dependable employment that pays a living wage) makes this kink especially clear.


The Crisis Facing America's Working Daughters

LIZ O’DONNELL The Atlantic
Many are familiar with the challenges faced by working moms, but the troubles of women with aging parents are unseen and widely ignored.


`Rise of the Robots' and `Shadow Work'

Barbara Ehrenreich New York Times Book Review
Even the most expensively educated - Lawyers, radiologists and software designers, among others - have seen their work evaporate to India or China. Tasks that would seem to require a distinctively human capacity for nuance are increasingly assigned to algorithms, like the ones currently being introduced to grade essays on college exams.
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