India’s community health workers and activists are rallying under the slogan “Community health work is work!” to demand fair pay and treatment for the essential services they provide.
Reader Comments: Worker Strike Wave, John Deere; Dismantle Missile Systems; Democratic Primary Winner India Walton Sabotaged by Dems; Socialists and 50s Civil Rights Movement; CUNY’s Alleged Wrong Doings; Black and Puerto Rican History In Action;
The book under review, written from a labor organizer's informed perspective, is seen by the book reviewer—himself a longtime labor militant-- as an essential resource for workers navigating their retirement and pension options.
In the gold-rush era, initial ceremonial greetings soon gave way to bigotry and violence as Chinese immigrants were tarred as a “coolie race” and cast as a threat to free white labor. The two books under review tell the story of how and why.
Union organizing campaigns are not reaching enough workers, but the Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee (EWOC) wants to change that. In the first of this three-part series, EWOC volunteer Eric Dirnbach outlines the labor movement’s problems and
Reader Comments: Simone Biles; Racism and GOP; KKK - Racist and Bosses Tool; Cigna Workers; Affordable Housing; Who is Calling for Cuomo's Resignation/Impeachment?; Decrease Vaccine Hesitancy; New Medicare4All Group; Syringes for Cuba Campaign Update
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